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Subject: EPICS PostScript Documents
From: Roland Mueller <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 May 96 17:54:25 +0200 (MESZ)
Operat.System:HP-UX A.09.05 A
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]

Dear Jackie Wallis, dear EPICS documentation author,

as you know the printing of EPICS PostScript documents produced with Frame
for papersize 'letter' is not possible on A4 printers. One has to modify
the file and/or press buttons of the printer panel before the pages are

At APS you started to provide documents both in letter and A4 format -
presumably by loading it into Frame again and saving it in the A4
format. That procedure requires access to the document source, extra work
and needs additional maintainance of documentation consistency.

With access to the document source and Frame 5.0 separate letter/A4
Versions are not necessary: You or your system administrator could change
the default setup

/FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch            false def

in file $FMHOME/fminit/ps_prolog to  true. 

Mostly the print out of letter documents on A4 paper is fully acceptable.

At the EPICS meeting in Williamsburg I was asked to send you the work
around that we have to apply to Frame Vsn. x.x PostScript documents before
we put it into our local 'EPICS documentation' repository. At BESSY that
loose collection of files allows site wide print outs for PostScript
non-experts and provides online documentation with LAN network performance

In the following I will give you the problem description and a possible hack.


The Frame letter/A4/PostScript problem is twofold for Vsn. 5.x, 4.x (3.x?):

(1): The routine:

	dup = flush 
	/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
	72 200 moveto show
	72 220 moveto show
	} def 
causes the printer to produce a single page with an error description,
e.g. Frame Vsn 4.x: Cant't select paper size for Frame print job!  and to
abort the job.  This routine has to be modified to get the rest of the
print job executed.

(2): The procedures:

1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 5 FMDOCUMENT
        612 792 1     FMBEGINPAGE

request  'load letter'  from  the printer, i.e. some printers block the
print queue(s) until letter is loaded or an 'OK to PROCEED with A4' is
given with the panel buttons.



The following script (e.g. called frame2any) patches the PostScript file in.ps

user@unix>  frame2any  in.ps >  out.ps

such that out.ps is printable on any reasonable paper size.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

# Purpose: make Frame Postscript docs  as is printable on any paper format
# Remove papersize checks and instructions from Frame  letter/A4 documents

# Change papersize from            letter     to   unknown      
/612[ \t]*792/       {sub (/612[ \t]*792/,       "999.9 999.9") }
# Change papersize from              A4       to   unknown      
/595\.3[ \t]*841\.9/ {sub (/595\.3[ \t]*841\.9/, "999.9 999.9") }

# Search Frame Failure Routine, Delete "Print Error Message and Abort" Commands
# delete eventually included  PPD (PostScript Printer Description) Instructions
{if (/^\/FMFAILURE \{/){
	while(!(/\} def[ \t]*$/)){getline;}
}else if (/^\%\%BeginPaperSize/){
# End of script

Hope that helps. Best regards, Roland.

Roland M"uller                                             _`\ <,_
                                                    _____ (_)/  (_) ____
BESSY  I:       Abt.Maschine, Lentzeallee 100  : Phone (+49 30)82004 114
                D-14195 Berlin  (Wilmersdorf)  : Fax:                103
BESSY II:       Geb. 15.1, Rudower Chaussee 5  : Phone (+49 30)6392 4652
                D-12489 Berlin    (Adlershof)  : Fax:               4632
Mailbox :       [email protected]           : 
*:Berliner ElektronenSpeicherring-gesellschaft f"ur SYnchrotronstrahlung

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