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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: CA broadcast problems on Solaris 2.6
From: [email protected] (Rozelle Wright)
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:25:25 -0700
Hi Dave,
I tried the solaris statically linked medm that is distributed from Argonne
on both our solaris 5.6 and 5.5.1 suns.  It behaves fine on the 5.5.1 sun
and gives the same error that  got on the 5.6 sun.  Jeff and
I think that solaris may have changed enough that a statically built application
for 5.5.1 may not run properly on 5.6.  If you type 
"what medm" it indicates that medm is using a lot of SunOS 5.5.1 Generic Patches.
I don't have any problem with cau, but I built it dynamically.  If you are
trying to use a statically built one from Argonne, it may have the same
problems as medm.  I can't build medm, because I don't have the
proprietary software that they use.  Do you have it?


> Rozelle Wright wrote:
> > Hi Dave,
> > I get the same error as you when I try the statically built medm
> > from Argonne.  Unfortunately, we can't rebuild it here.  Have
> > you built medm or are you using the statically built one also.
> > I can't seem to make anything else fail.  dm works just fine.
> > Rozelle
>  Hi Rozelle,
> I was trying the static binary of version 2.1.17 MEDM. I realize this is
> an old version, so I have just downloaded 3.2.2 from Argonne (again
> the static solaris binary) and ran that. It give the same errors.
> I have a problem with cau, it doesn't crash out but cannot connect to
> PVs which
> I know are there (I can run on 2.5.1 machines to check). We dont have dm
> here to try.
> I will now look into building the extensions using our Solaris
> WorkShop3.0
> C compiler package.
> I'll let you know how I get on. At least we now have 300MHz Ultra30s, a
> long
> cry from the early CEBAF days on an IPC. I can build the base release in
> about
> 10 minutes now.
> Dave.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Dave Barker                | Tel    Office: 509 373 6203 (msg service)
> LIGO Hanford Observatory   |        Lab 0:  509 373 3580
> P.O. Box 1970; MS S9-02    |        Lab 1:  509 372 3976
> Richland                   | Fax    509 372 2178
> WA 99352                   | e-mail [email protected]
> United States of America   | S/W Engineer, UNIX Sys Admin.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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