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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: April Collaboration Meeting
From: Bob Dalesio <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 10:03:30 -0700 (MST)
There is an initial list of attendees and the beginning of an agenda. 
Both are at the bottom.....

We have an aditorium that will fit about 64 people at 
a maximum. If your name is not on the list - please contact me ASAP. If 
it is - and you are not attending - please contact me.

For training - we will offer a one day overview and database seminar at 
no charge. This will be a hands on class and therefore is limiited to 8. 
There are already 4 people signed up. If you have someone that would 
benefit from this - please contact me.

THe parellel training has only one topic that received wide interest - 
installing and building EPICS. If there are any other topics that you are 
interested in - please let me know. If we have a handful of people 
interested, we will try to put together a seminar.

Please let us know about topics that you are interested in presenting. We 
are interested in hearing about experience with the portable server, 
CDEV, ca clients. Also - any new drivers, hardware design, or motor 
controllers. Any new clients that are of general use - or new record 
types should be presented. Any problems that were hard to solve with the 
current tools are also interesting. Anyone that would like to recall the 
problems with starting EPICS also welcome. We would like to limit project 
reports to those that have a lesson for us - problems that were fixed - 
problems that persist - difficult applications that required complex 
approaches. Feel good - everything went well reports are welcome but 
should be limited to one slide.

	Thanks for helping to put this to rest,

IMPORTANT PS: to get onto the site where the meeting is held, you will 
need a DOE badge if you have one, your name listed with the guard if you 
are a US citizen that does not have a DOE badge, or a badge from the 
badge office if you are not a US citizen and do not have a DOE badge. I 
have tried to put country of citizenship next to those of you that do NOT 
have a DOE badge. Please check your name. If you do NOT have a DOE badge, 
I will need to have your country of citizenship. To pick up a badge - you 
will need to visit the Los Alamos badge office.

        Beginner course: overview and database one day course
                limited to 8 people
                Steve Hunt              [email protected] ? Who ?
                Lynn Foth               [email protected]  ? who ?
                Gayle Greene            [email protected]
                Hubert van Hecke        [email protected]

        In Parellel in the afternoon:
                Installation and Building Training (for PC & UNIX)
                (any other topics of interest - please reply)

Project Updates
        Jefferson Lab Update - Karen White

        Argonne Update - Marty Kraimer?

Software Applications
        Adaptive Optics -                       William Lupton

        Postfix()/Calcperform()                 Tim Mooney
        Collecting Neutron Time of Flight       John Hammonds

        RF Window Test - Shaking out new code   Mark Moore

        Image taking in the IOC                 Ned Arnold

        Early Experience with the archiver?

        reports from Portable server users?

        reports from CDEV users?

        CDEV CLients - which ones               Chris Larrieu

        RF and BPM Servers at Jefferson Lab     Sue Wetherspoon

Hardware Applications
        Canbus interface to power supplies      Ralph Lange

        Allen Bradley support on PC             Jeff Hill

        Allen Bradley Scanner Update            Marty Kraimer 
	Modbus support PC                       Bob Dalesio

	Modbus + Support			Noboru Yamamoto

        CAMAC Bus Support Update                Eric Bjorklund

        Bit Bus Support                         Ned Arnold

        Timing and fast protect for PC          Matt Stettler

        Alarm Manager - fixes /list -           Matthias Clausen /Janet 
        Building/Running EPICS on the PC        Jeff Hill

        Portable CA Server Update               Jeff Hill

        Archiver update                         Bob Dalesio

        MEDM - future directions                Ken Evans

        DM - future directions                  Deb Kerstiens?

        SNL Update                              William Lupton  

        Channel Access version 4                Jeff Hill

        Logging and Record Type Changes         Marty Kraimer

	Database directions			Marty Kraimer                 

Marty Kraimer           ANL - APS       [email protected]
Ned Arnold              ANL - APS       [email protected]
Ken Evans               ANL - APS       [email protected]
Bakul Banerjee          ANL - APS       [email protected]
Tim Mooney              ANL - CATS      [email protected]
John Hammonds           ANL - IPNS      [email protected]
Bill Stewart            ASE             [email protected]
Ralph Lange?            BESSY           [email protected]		Germany
John Smith              BNL             [email protected]
Stephen Gushue          BNL             [email protected]
Matthias Clausen        DESY            [email protected]	Germany
Greg Campbell           GA              [email protected]
Joan Sage               GA              [email protected]
Karen White             JLab            [email protected]
Matt Bickley            JLab            [email protected]
Walt Akers              JLab            [email protected]
Chris Larrieu           JLab            [email protected]
Sue Witherspoon         JLab
William Lupton          Keck            [email protected]	England
Noboru Yamamoto         KEK             [email protected]	Japan
Mike Oothuodt           LANL L-6        [email protected]
Eric Bjorklund          LANL L-6        [email protected]
Stuart Schaller         LANL L-6        [email protected]
Gary Carr               LANL L-6        [email protected]
John Faucett            LANL L-6        [email protected]
Jeff Hill               LANL L-8        [email protected]
Deb Kerstiens           LANL L-8        [email protected]
Rozelle Wright          LANL L-8        [email protected]
Mike Thuot              LANL L-8        [email protected]
Dave Gurd               LANL L-8        [email protected]
Matt Stettler           LANL L-8        [email protected]
Margye Harrington       LANL L-8        [email protected]
Lisa Day                LANL L-8        [email protected]
Bob Dalesio             LANL L-8        [email protected]
Gary Cooper             LANL L-12       [email protected]
Ron Aguilar             LANL L-12       [email protected]
John Seal               LANL L-12       [email protected]
Ron Nelson              LANL L-12       [email protected]
Steve Lewis             LBL             [email protected]
Carl Lionberger         LBL                               
Allen Biocca            LBL             [email protected]
Masahiro Kaji           MELCO           [email protected]		Japan
Russell Page            MIT             [email protected]			US
Coles Sibley            MIT             [email protected]			US
Bill Devan              ORNL            [email protected]
Steve Hunt              PSI             [email protected]			England
Stephanie Allison       SLAC            [email protected]
Ron Chestnut            SLAC            [email protected]
Mark Moore              SRS             [email protected]
George Custodi          SRS             [email protected]
Rolf Keitel             TRIUMF          [email protected]   		Canada
Dave Reid               UWash           [email protected]	US

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