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Subject: Making Records Invisible
From: Susanna Jacobson <[email protected]>
To: EPICS tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 14:10:21 -0700
Hi Folks,

Here at the ALS, we are making a transition from an older
system to a newer one over several years, one device or
subsystem at a time.

We want to be able to turn off one or more channels in the
older IOC, and then turn them on in the newer IOC, without
having to rebuild .db files for the two IOCs.  That is,
when a hardware connection is moved to the new sys from the
old, the associated EPICS records appear to move as well.
(Although in fact the same record is in both databases.)

Has anyone else done something like this with EPICS records?  
Is it possible?

-- Susanna
Susanna Jacobson                MS 10-110
[email protected]              Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
VOICE:  (510) 486-7801          1 Cyclotron Road
FAX:    (510) 486-7374          Berkeley, CA 94720

Re: Making Records Invisible Ralph . Lange

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