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Subject: medm problem on LINUX RedHat 7.2
From: Kate Feng <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 12:29:22 -0400
Platform : LINUX RedHat 7.2 Kernel 2.4.18

For one output PV, I have both the slider and text entry for the
If I control the PV with the slider, the text entry will get updated
automatically.   However, once I  entered a new value in the
text entry, the text entry will not update automatically according
to the control of the slider anymore.  The text entry simply got
freeze-up with a cursor. On the other hand, the slider will still
respond to the control of the text entry.

This problem exists only on my local UNIX PC.  It works fine
on the SNS linux and SUN machine.  This problem is independent
of the version of the MEDM whether MEDM was recompiled on my
local LINUX or not.  I tried MEDM version 3.0.2 Beta1 (EPICS 3.13.5)
and MEDM version 3.0.3 Beta1 (EPICS 3.14).  From my test, it does not
seem to be related to the mouse driver /etc/sysconfig/mouse file either.

I do not know where the file is for mouse setting (e.g. linefeed char
or return char) for LINUX.

Hopefully some X11 or MEDM GUI experts can shed some light for me
on this localized problem.

Thanks in advance,

S. Kate Feng
Brookhaven National Lab.
National Synchrotron Light Source
Bldg. 725D
Upton, New York  11973-5000

Email: [email protected]
Phone : 631-344-2647/Fax : 631-344-3238

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