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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: Running iocsh in the background
From: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
To: tech-talk <[email protected]>
Cc: "Kevin M. Peterson" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:17:39 +0100

Kevin M. Peterson wrote:

I have a Linux IOC and I am using the main function from R3.14.1's example App. After the IOC is initialized iocsh left in "interactive mode" just like the App. Dev. Guide describes.

Unfortunately, "shutting down" the Linux IOC dangerously
easy.  It isn't necessary to type the "exit" command; Closing
the terminal window or pressing Ctrl-C do the job with even
less effort.

Is it possible to start the Linux IOC and have it run in the
background?  The Linux IOC seems to be missing the
"non-interacting mode" that all of the vxWorks IOCs have.

I have written a small tcl program (see attachment), that acts as a box for a shell (e.g. a Linux IOC) to run it in the background. Terminals programs can connect via TCP-IP (e.g. telnet). When the shell dies, it will be restarted automatically.

usage: shellbox.tcl <TCP-port> <shellcommand> &

It is a quick an simple tool, thus there is no security. Everyone can log in and all input is merged to stdin of the shell. All stdout and stderr is distributed to everyone who is logged in.

To make live easier, I have also written a script (iocsh, attached), that creates a startup script on the fly from its command line arguments and starts a Linux IOC. To use it, you will have to adjust the pathnames in the script :-(

Best regards

Dr. Dirk Zimoch
Swiss Light Source
Paul Scherrer Institut
Computing and Controls
phone +41 56 310 5182
fax   +41 56 310 4413

Attachment: shellbox.tcl
Description: Tcl script

if [ "$1" = -h ]
  echo "usage: iocsh [files]"
  echo "start an EPICS iocsh and load files"
  echo "recognized filetypes: *.db *.template *.subs *.dbd"
  echo "after *.db and *.template, you can specify substitutions with macro=value"
  echo "if a file is @filename, more arguments are read from filename"
  echo "all other files are taken as scripts to source"
if [ "$1" = -v ]
  echo "iocsh by Dirk Zimoch"
  echo '$Source: /cvs/CVSROOT/UTILITIES/scripts/sh/iocsh,v $'
  echo '$Revision: 1.5 $'
  echo '$Date: 2002/12/19 08:55:23 $'
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/devl/epics3.14.0.beta1/base/lib/linux-x86:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
startup=$(mktemp /tmp/iocstartup.XXXXXX)

function loadFiles () {
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
  case $file in
    ( @* )               loadFiles $(cat ${file#@}) ;;
    ( *.db | *.template) subst=""
                         while [ "$#" -gt 1 ]
                            case $2 in 
                                ( *=* ) subst="$subst,$2"; shift ;;
                                ( * )   break ;;
                         echo "dbLoadRecords (\"$file\", \"${subst#,}\")" ;;
    ( *.subs | *.subst ) echo "dbLoadTemplate (\"$file\")" ;;
    ( *.dbd )            echo "dbLoadDatabase (\"$file\")" ;;
    ( * )                echo "< $file" ;;

echo "dbLoadDatabase /devl/epics3.14.0.beta1/APPS/EPS/dbd/example.dbd"
echo "registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase"
loadFiles $*
echo "iocInit"
} >> $startup
trap "rm -f $startup" EXIT
softioc $startup 2>&1

Running iocsh in the background Kevin M. Peterson

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