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Subject: the command formats in RS232
From: "Lifang Zheng" <[email protected]>
To: "EPICS tech-talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 15:12:21 +0800
Hi everyone,
We are developing 100MeV LINAC vacuum control system through RS232 serial. The hardware has a VIPC616 carrier and an IP-Octal-232. The software includes drvSerial,drvAscii,drvIpac,drvVipc616, tyGSOctal and devAscii. The first test was successfully with the help of Allan Honey and Steven Hartman a few month ago.
But we have one problem. Some of the commands use the format d.ddde-dd, but the OUT field of AO have to be specified as %e instead of %9.3e or %.3e. So the value of AO will be sent as d.ddd000e-dd which doesn't meet our requirement.
Does somebody meet the same problem? Is there any solution?
Any suggestion is welcome,

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