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Subject: Re: CA block sem corrupted error and S_errno_ENOBUFS
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: Kevin Tsubota <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS-tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 16:15:42 -0500
Kevin Tsubota wrote:

Assuming that we've been running this same software for sometime... could hardware failures cause these symptoms, i.e. cards going bad, flaky power supply?

It's hard to be sure, but that would be one possibility; the BFL would certainly be easily explainable that way.

Do you know whether your vxWorks 5.3.1 system has the SENS TCP/IP stack installed, or the older version - the MBUF configuration for the two is significantly different, and the ENOBUFS errors are more common on the new stack because WRS made configuring it more complicated. Unfortunately if you're upgrading to Tornado 2.x then you'll need to learn about that before you put systems into operation because you can't rely on the WRS defaults - they're too small for most EPICS IOCs, and will cause ENOBUFS errors.

Also what version of VxWorks would you recommend
running with R3.13.9?

We're using Tornado 2.0.2 with the latest driver patches here at APS, with both R3.13.9 and R3.14.4. I haven't converted any of our BSPs to Tornado 2.2 yet so we're not in a position to use that, and some other sites have reported a few peripheral issues with using it. WRS released several cumulative patches for T2.2 not long ago (t22cp1), and I will certainly be installing them here before we start using it.

- Andrew
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

RE: CA block sem corrupted error and S_errno_ENOBUFS Kevin Tsubota

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