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Subject: [Fwd: Re: EDM Style Guide]
From: Tim Mooney <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:49:49 -0500

Steve Banks wrote:

We are currently in the process of writing a GUI Style Guide for our
EDM screens and were wondering if any one else already has such a
I'm sure there are many lessons that people have learnt about the best
way to build good, useable interfaces with EDM and any documents or even
anecdotes about what to do or not to do would be greatly appreciated.

We don't have a style guide, but many of the (MEDM) displays in synApps tend systematically to use the following color meanings:

foregnd    backgnd    meaning
color      color
black      any        static text or drawing

blue       any        writes to or reads from ioc
black      sky blue   (button, text entry, etc.)

white green (button) brings up related display

red        any        exceptional status or action
yellow     red        (button)

yellow any diagnostic or warning

black purple link

black      pink       link minus "NPP NMS" attributes
                      (i.e., a string field whose value specifies a PV
                       to be linked to; the database will supply the
                       link attributes and write to the actual link)

other other used to visually connect a set of related PV's

-- Tim Mooney ([email protected]; 630-252-5417) Advanced Photon Source APS Operations Division Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group

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