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Subject: Epics research - RDBMS support for Epics
From: Steven Hunt <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 11:54:35 +0100
As many of you will know - I have been skeptical of the usefulness 
of using an RDBMS for managing and generating epics configuration 
files. I do think however the APS scheme of using Oracle to report 
on the actual status of iocs and client configurations is excellent!  

However one way to look at the problems of the present efforts to use a
RDBMS, is as an interesting challenge! So I would like to ask any of you
who have or are planing to use an RDBMS - to send me a short list of
your list of requirements for such a system. I would prefer a list of
what you think such a system should do, rather than how it should be
done, or what your actual system does.

As a starting point here are some ideas:

1. Be able to quickly and easily load or modify the relational 
database from new or modified template, substitution, or client 
(archiver, alarmhandler, edm, ...) configuration files.
2. To enable non Epics specialists to quickly and easily modify 
the default field values for an Epics database, or client 
configurations. Optionaly also change the on-line value.

3. Be able to quickly and easily generate Epics template, 
substitution, startup, and client config files from the relational 

4. Be able to roll back to any given version of a system, ioc, or 
device, based on date/time  or an alphanumeric 'tag'.

5. To be quick and easy to install and maintain.

As this topic has has a high risk of spontaneous combustion (email flame
wars) I would ask you send your responses directly to me and I will pull
them together. I could start a new email list if there is interest.

Re: Epics research - RDBMS support for Epics Trivan Pal

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