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Subject: VDCT Support
From: "Rees, NP \(Nick\)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 15:55:45 +0100

Recently I agreed with Pam Gurd to take over as EPICS point of contact
for VDCT support. We currently use VDCT at Diamond, but I would like to
use it more - partly because of my previous experience with Capfast. I
want to promote a good open source database development tool for use by
the community.

To kick this off I have transferred John Maclean's VDCT Status page from
the APS EPICS Web tree to the Wiki, under:

   Collaboration Activities ->
       Fundamental Tools and Popular Extensions ->
           VDCT Status Page.

Or, more directly:


Andrew, can you change the VDCT link within the EPICS web tree to point
here rather than at John's old page?

What I would like is for every site that uses VDCT to email me with the
following information:

1. Site name.
2. Approximate number of developers
3. Approximate % of databases developed recently that use VDCT.
4. Any complaints, praise, wishes etc...
5. Likelihood of contributing to VDCT development - either through cash
or effort.

This will give me a feel for what sort of a community is out there and I
will take it from there.


Nick Rees
Principal Software Engineer           Phone: +44 (0)1235-778430
Diamond Light Source                  Fax:   +44 (0)1235-446713

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