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Subject: FW: Eclipse workshop, March 24th
From: "Chestnut, Ronald P." <[email protected]>
To: "Tech Talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 15:13:47 -0800
This is forwarded for the organizers, listed below.

Ron Chestnut 



The B-factory and LCLS software groups are co-hosting a one day workshop on Eclipse, Friday March 24, in the Gold Room.

Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) primarily for java, but can be used for c/c++, web development, and so on. Also, interestingly for large scale interactive software development efforts, the code which implements Eclipse is written in a modular way so that the original source code can be adapted and extended by programmers for their own use. That is, it is a "Rich Client Platform" (RCP). Eclipse is an Open Source effort, that some large experimental scientific labs, plus one NASA planetary experiment, are using as the basis for their own high level software.

So, we will be holding a workshop to look at some of those activities, and to discuss issues surrounding Eclipse for the immediate future of accelerator software development here at SLAC and in collaboration with our software partners.

    The agenda discussion topics will be itemized with objectives as the WS approaches.

Please contact Greg White if you can contribute, or Ginger DeContreras if you would like to register as an observer.

Greg White ([email protected])
Diane Fairley
Ron Chestnut
Hamid Shoaee
Ginger DeContreras ([email protected])

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