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Subject: Re: Device with INP as a PV_LINK
From: Tim Mooney <[email protected]>
To: Emmanuel Mayssat <[email protected]>
Cc: epics <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 02:25:03 -0500

Emmanuel Mayssat wrote:


I would like to create a stringin PV that takes an aiRecord and format
it. For example, ai could be the number of clock ticks, while the
stringIn is the formatted date.

1/ I want a simple solution with standard records
2/ I need to link the stringin to the ai

I immediately thought that putting the ai in the inp field and declaring
the device as device(stringin, PV_LINK, <dsetCode>,
<dsetStringIdentifier>) would do the trick.
But dbGetLink(psi->inp,..., &localVariable, ..., DBF_DOUBLE,...,0,0) (or
something like that) complains that inp has an invalid type.

How can I link the stringin to the ai correctly ?

Make sure you're passing a pointer to the link field:

dbGetLink(&psi->inp, DBR_DOUBLE, &localDoubleVariable,0,0)

By the way, you example problem is treated in Ned Arnold's devTimeOfDay.c.
I snuck a copy of this into the synApps std module, if you're interested.

For the general problem, the simplest solution I can think of is the sCalcout
record (in the synApps calc module), because you don't have to write device
support to do what you're describing.

Tim Mooney ([email protected]) (630)252-5417
Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab.

Re: Device with INP as a PV_LINK Andrew Johnson
Device with INP as a PV_LINK Emmanuel Mayssat

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