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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: Make error after "makeBaseApp.pl" on win32-x86
From: Andy Foster <[email protected]>
To: Zhan Zhang <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected], "'Epics Questions'" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:09:51 +0100 (BST)
Thanks for that.

I played around with this a bit more and tried two examples.

In the first, I ran "makeBaseApp.pl" like this:

perl c:\cygwin\home\Andy\epics\base-\bin\win32-x86\makeBaseApp.pl
-t example myexample

perl c:\cygwin\home\Andy\epics\base-\bin\win32-x86\makeBaseApp.pl
-i -t example myexample

This produces a "configure/RELEASE" file containing paths like this:


In the second, I ran it like this:

perl ..\epics\base-\bin\win32-x86\makeBaseApp.pl -t example

perl ..\epics\base-\bin\win32-x86\makeBaseApp.pl -i -t example

This produces a "configure/RELEASE" with relative paths like this:


The second example works, the first does not. So I concur with your
findings Zhan Zhang.

And, as posted on the cygwin mailing list by Christopher Faylor
on Sunday, 9 Jul 2006:

"I've made a new version of 'make' available for download (3.81).  This
updates the package to the latest version available from
I've included the relevant portions of the NEWS file and the Fedora
ChangeLog at the end of this message.

For a brief description of this package, see http://cygwin.com/packages/ .

Note that the --win32 command line option and "MAKE_MODE" environment
variable are no longer supported in Cygwin's make.  If you need to use a
Makefile which contains MS-DOS path names, then please use a MinGW
version of make.

See: http://mingw.org/ for details on downloading a version of make
which understands MS-DOS path names.  Please! direct any questions about
the MinGW version of make to the appropriate MinGW mailing list"

And since I am using GNU Make 3.81, this does seem to explain why my
example 1 failed but my example 2, with relative paths, worked.

Thanks again,


On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Zhan Zhang wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> 	I will pitch in a bit before others get to this.  I am new to EPICS
> (and everything else related) so I might talk about something completely
> irrelavent.  I did saw this error when trying to install the synApp package
> after successfully (or I thought) installing the base.  I pretty much did
> the same thing for base installation as you did and got the 'multiple target
> patterns'.
> 	I googled a little and found that someone said the problem is the
> ':' in the path.  Sorry I forgot where did I found that but it seems to me
> that the information in the thread are not so consistent.  Someone else
> suggested using the 'relative path' to get rid of things like 'C:\', but
> that did not work for me either (I tried format like ../.., ..\\.., etc).
> Later I found another post saying GNU make 3.81 drop the support of 'C:\'
> format.  I am not sure if this is the case.  But if it is 3.81 problem,
> going back to 3.80 should be one solultion.  I did not tried that--I
> switched to CGWIN shell and put all paths linux way.
> 	Someone please correct me if I am talking nonsense here. :-)
> Zhan
> ----------------------------------
> Zhan Zhang, Ph.D
> Argonne National Laboratory
> X-ray Science Division, Bldg 438, D005
> 9700 S. Cass Ave.
> Argonne, IL 60439
> Tel: (630) 252-0863
> Email: [email protected]

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RE: Make error after "makeBaseApp.pl" on win32-x86 Zhan Zhang

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