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Subject: StreamDevice version 2.2 released
From: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
To: TechTalk EPICS <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:54:58 +0200
Hi all,

a new version of StreamDevice is now released. Upgrade is recommended especially if you are running a CVS-snapshot version. (If you have already found version 2.2 and downloaded it before 4th of June, download again. That version was buggy.)

The new version includes several bugfixes and new features since 2.1 (some of them were already included in patches or the snapshot versions):

Deadlock in exec command
Problems with Terminator=""
Waveform read bug
Registration problems in vxWorks and cygwin
@mismatch handler missing
Crashes in streamReload and other places
asynOverflow problem with GPIB
"I/O Intr" problems

%(FIELD) and $(record.FIELD) redirection syntax
aai and aao support
connect / disconenct commands
Use terminators defined by asynDriver as default
Support for base R3.13.7+ on vxWorks
Patches for base R3.14.9 and gcc 4.1.1
Support of Windows and RTEMS

Download: http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/


-- Dr. Dirk Zimoch Computing and Controls Paul Scherrer Institut phone +41 56 310 5182 fax +41 56 310 4413

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