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Subject: keeping record status ... over crash/restart
From: Heinrich du Toit <[email protected]>
To: TechTalk EPICS <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:07:40 +0200

We have the situation where we have some setting that the operators
tune. And then they want this to stay there for the next x days until
they tune it again for some reason. :)

Anyways if the power goes down or the server crash or whatever and it
comes back on it would be nice if the server(IOC) can automatically
restore the state of these records?

In our old system we normally would save the variables to some file
periodically. Then when the server starts again just load the last such
saved data. Simple :)

How do I do this under EPICS?

btw. I did look at the backup and restore utility. That is something I
would maybe use, but this isn't exactly the same problem. 
I also can't seem to know how to force the BURT tool to automatically
"restore" once an IOC starts again?


RE: keeping record status ... over crash/restart Mark Rivers
RE: keeping record status ... over crash/restart Paul Sichta

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