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Subject: EPICS - Future Plans: your Input
From: Matthias Clausen <[email protected]>
To: EPICS tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 17:03:49 +0200
Hi all,

I am currently preparing the talk for ICALEPCS on "EPICS - Future Plans".
I have already received some input about current and future developments - still missing some though...

I ran into the question: What are future plans without the perspective of the users?
Are the plans matching the needs of the user base? What's on YOUR wish list?

Therefore I'd like to ask you for some input.
Here's a task over the weekend... ;-)

Your site/ lab/ installation:
When did you start using EPICS?:
How many IOCs (roughly) are running on your site?:

Why are you using EPICS?
Please note the top five reasons:

What would your wish list for future EPICS releases look like?
(IOC, CA-Protocol, Applications, Collaboration ...)
Please mention your top ten wishes:

What are your current/planned developments that I could mention in my presentation?

Thanks for your help!
The first three answering to this mail will get a free drink (beer?) during ICALEPCS (or the next possible occasion)!
OK - to be fair: The first from Asia, America and Europe ;-))

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