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Subject: SDDS lapack compile error
From: "Adams, Billy R. (LARC-D401B)[RAYTHEON TECHNICAL SERVICES CO]" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:26:55 -0600
     I am using Linux Fedora Core 6 and EPICS R3.14.9.  I need EPICS Extension StripTool.
     Using StripTool2_5_12_0 which needs SDDS.  I am using SDDS.2.3.1.  At this time I am also using medm3_1_2_1 and probe1_1_5_1 , but may need more later.
     Compiling SDDS ends with the following errors:
Installing library ../../../../lib/linux-x86/liblevmar.a
/usr/bin/ranlib ../../../../lib/linux-x86/liblevmar.a
/usr/bin/gcc -c   -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L -D_POSIX_THREADS -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500        -D_X86_  -DUNIX  -D_BSD_SOURCE -Dlinux  -D_REENTRANT -ansi  -O3  -Wall    -I../../include -DHAVE_LAPACK      -g  -I. -I.. -I../../../../include/os/Linux -I../../../../include         ../lmdemo.c
/usr/bin/g++ -o lmdemo  -L/ade/appl-ts1/epics/R3.14.9/extensions/lib/linux-x86 -Wl,-rpath,/ade/appl-ts1/epics/R3.14.9/extensions/lib/linux-x86                 lmdemo.o    -llevmar  -lpthread   -lreadline -lcurses -lm -lrt -llapack -lblas  -lgcc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llapack
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [lmdemo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/ade/appl-ts1/epics/R3.14.9/extensions/src/SDDS/levmar/O.linux-x86'
make[1]: *** [install.linux-x86] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/ade/appl-ts1/epics/R3.14.9/extensions/src/SDDS/levmar'
make: *** [levmar.install] Error 2
      After SDDS compiling reaches these errors and stops, directory  "epics/R3.14.9/extensions/bin/linux-x86/" contains many sdds* programs and "epics/R3.14.9/extensions/lib/linux-x86/" contains: 
     I can now compile StripTool which is what I need.

     Has StripTool really been compiled sucessfully ?   Seems to work.
     How do I add "lapack" to make the "ld" linker happy?  Is "lapack" needed for other extensions? 
Billy R. Adams

Re: SDDS lapack compile error Rodney R. Porter
Re: SDDS lapack compile error Steven Hartman
Re: SDDS lapack compile error Janet Anderson

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