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Subject: Re: How to build jca.dll manually rather than to use the ANT build tool?
From: "Zhichu Chen" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 14:14:33 +0800

I just know JCA and I think it's great. I want to give it a try so I follow
the installation manual of JCA 2.1.2. And I got some problems:

1, I took a look at the download page of JCA and found that the oldest
release is 2.1.3, and I can't find the ancient version the manual mentioned
over Google. Finally, I choose to download the current release 2.3.1.
I looked at the change page on
and I suppose it didn't changed so much. Am I right? And is there a
newer version of the installation tutorial?

2, Since I didn't download the 2.1.2 version as the manual said, I couldn't
get the jca.dll mentioned there. I downloaded it from
. Would that be OK? Or we just don't need that link library any more so
it's not included in the package?

3, I do have tried to compile from source but failed at:

Buildfile: build.xml

     [echo] Building core classes
     [echo] Copying ressources
     [echo] Done



     [echo] Building native header files
     [echo] Done

     [echo] Building native object files
  [applyex] C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin\cl -nologo -c -GX
-GR -D__STDC__=0 -Ox -W3 -MD -IC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\jre/../include
-IC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\jre/../include/WIN32 -IC:\epics\base-3.14.8.
2/include -IC:\epics\base- -IC:/Program Files/Microsoft
 Visual Studio/VC98/include -IO.win32-x86 -FoC:\epics\java\jca-2.3.1-src\jca-2.3
.1\O.win32-x86\JNI.obj C:\epics\java\jca-2.3.1-src\jca-2.3.1\src\core\gov\aps\jc

C:\epics\java\jca-2.3.1-src\jca-2.3.1\build.xml:199: applyex returned: -10737415

Total time: 0 seconds

and my system environment is set by:

set HOST_ARCH=win32-x86
set EPICS_HOST_ARCH=win32-x86
set EPICS_BASE_RELEASE=C:\epics\base-
set EPICS_EXTENSIONS=C:\epics\extension
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\epics\java\ant\bin

is there anything wrong or what did I forget?

By the way, I hope there could be an option to choose MinGW compiler. I don't like
the price of MS VC++ and it fails to compile the CVS epics base. So can any of you
could tell me how this jca.dll would be compiled and I'll just write a makefile to compile

Any inputs would be appreciated.

Best Regards

         Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
        No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China
            tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | zhichu.chen.googlepages.com
                                              | www.sinap.ac.cn
How to build jca.dll manually rather than to use the ANT build tool? Zhichu Chen

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