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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: compiling error:expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "(" token
From: Stefan Heim <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 10:42:59 +0200

On Friday, 4. April 2008, éæå wrote:
> But while compiling the codes, there is such error:
> ../../include/Interface.h:44: error: expected constructor,destructor,or
> type conversion before "(" token
> The device driver is provided along with the hardware in the format of .so
> and .h. The Interface.h file contains some driver function declarations.

Nobody without a magic crystal bowl will be able to help you unless you show 

 - the compiler command line that generated the above error

 - and the (relevant parts of the) file Interface.h.

> I wonder if the reason is that the declaration and definition of the class
> are not together.

No. You don't even have the definition since you said you were lacking the 
source for the driver.


Stefan Heim, PhD Student X-ray microscopy
BESSY mbH, Albert-Einstein-StraÃe 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
voice: +49 30 6392 3177 fax: + 49 30 6392 4757 e-mail: [email protected]
BESSY mbH - Mitglied der Leibniz Gemeinschaft
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch
GeschÃftsfÃhrer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Prof. Dr. Eberhard 
Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, HRB 14635

compiling error:expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "(" token 黄思婷

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