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Subject: Snl strings
From: "Gerke, Christian" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:07:39 +0100

For EPICS 3.13 and SNL 1.9.5 how do I send a string from a snl program
to a stringin-record?

I tried:

char debus[40];
assign debus to "KS2:SNL:KUE:DEBUS_stringin";
sprintf(debus,"HDTemp init");                 

As a result the stringin VAL field contains "72" (the ascii code of "H",
the frist string character) which is not quite what I want.

Is there a problem with strings (character arrays) in snl or the
stringin record?
Or is there something wrong with my approach?



Christian Gerke       
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY  
Mitarbeiter der Gruppe MKS2   
Tel +49 40 8998-4028  
Fax +49 40 8994-4028
[email protected]

Re: Snl strings Eric Norum

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