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Subject: including one .stt file as a header in another
From: Patrick Thomas <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 15:53:18 -0700
How would one go about including one .stt file as a header in another? I tried to do this with %%#include "....stt", but it does not seem to be finding the variables that are assigned to process variables in the included file. My makefile uses the following, where sncMyExample.stt is the sequencer code that I want to have include another .stt file.

ifneq ($(SNCSEQ),)

   # Build sncExample into h1_tcs_itmx_pwrSupport
   sncExample_SNCFLAGS += +r
   sncMyExample_SNCFLAGS = +m

   h1_tcs_itmx_pwr_DBD += sncExample.dbd
   h1_tcs_itmx_pwr_DBD += sncMyExample.dbd

   h1_tcs_itmx_pwrSupport_SRCS += sncExample.stt
   h1_tcs_itmx_pwrSupport_SRCS += sncMyExample.stt

   h1_tcs_itmx_pwrSupport_LIBS += seq pv
   h1_tcs_itmx_pwr_LIBS += seq pv

   # Build sncProgram as a standalone program
   PROD_HOST += sncProgram
   sncProgram_SNCFLAGS += +m
   sncProgram_SRCS += sncProgram.st
   sncProgram_LIBS += seq pv
   sncProgram_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_HOST_LIBS)

Thank you,

Re: including one .stt file as a header in another Wesley Moore

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