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Subject: FW: Next generation EPICS display manager
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 12:35:08 -0000
Hi all,

Here at Diamond we've just started looking around at the EPICS display
managers out there, with a view to eventually replacing our EDM GUIs
with something a little more modern. So far we have been playing with
Qt, and have a prototype with a small widget set that controls a
firewire camera and displays an mjpg stream. However, I am aware that
there are several Qt EPICS implementations out there, and I think it
would be good to collaborate with another site on this to avoid writing
yet another display manager.

Our findings so far:
* We've found PyQt and CA too slow in large GUIs, but would still like
to generate the PyQt bindings for any new widgets so we have the option
for some specialised screens
* We've found that the designer is a very handy editor, and it's very
convenient to be able to use ui files rather than having to compile
* Qt's signal/slot mechanism and QVariant classes are very powerful, but
we've yet to find a neat way to fit PV Names and channels into this

I should also point out that we haven't ruled out other display
managers, we have briefly looked at Control System Studio SDS, but have
found the widget set a little small, and widgets written by other sites
seem to lack a common look and feel, but we would like to hear from
other sites about their experiences in this area.

So my questions are:
* Has anyone else out there written a recent display manager?
* How mature is it and how complete is the widget set?
* How complicated / large are the screens you have built with it, and
what's performance like?
* Would you be willing to collaborate on it?

Many thanks,
Tom Cobb,
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 1235 778582

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Re: FW: Next generation EPICS display manager Elliott Wolin
RE: Next generation EPICS display manager Elder Matias
Re: FW: Next generation EPICS display manager Zhichu Chen

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