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Subject: Re: create arrays in EDM
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: Jovan Loncar <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 09:53:36 -0500
On Tuesday 06 April 2010 09:04:34 Jovan Loncar wrote:
> For an example:
> there are 200 computers (machines) each running their own EPICS server
> connected
> in the same network. I am able to read the temperatures of each through
> an EPICS PV (fo example using caget).
> Now, on another computer (in the same network) in the administration
> room i would like to monitor all these
> temperatures using EDM (or if it is not possible with EDM some other
> visualization tool).
> But the usual way of displaying this, a box changing colors (red,
> yellow, green) is not
> enough and also displaying 200 numbers is not user-friendly for the
> administrator.
> What i would like to achieve is to get all these temperatures and
> collect them into
> an array and display them onto a X-Y Graph. This way the administrator
> would be able to see
> what is the temperature and also how much it is drifting from
> desired/average/reference. The x-axis are the machines depending on
> their own index number, which is fixed. So Machine001 would always be
> the first in the array (to display), which means
> that the location is very important.

You don't really need to collect these readings into an array at all; instead 
of trying to use an X-Y Graph, you can create your own histogram display out 
of 200 vertical Bar widgets, one connected to each temperature PV, placed next 
to each other with the border and scale turned off.  This is a fairly common 
and simple technique and is more flexible than using a generic graphing 
widget.  I will leave it to others to suggest ways to automate the creation of 
the relevant .edl file though, as I'm not an EDM user.

- Andrew
The best FOSS code is written to be read by other humans -- Harald Welte

create arrays in EDM Jovan Loncar
RE: create arrays in EDM Dalesio, Leo
Re: create arrays in EDM Jovan Loncar

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