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Subject: some patches for msi
From: Benjamin Franksen <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:52:23 +0200
I just found that our version of msi segfaults when given too many 
substitutions as input. I thought I might upgrade msi to see if this is 
already fixed and, voila, it is. This, however, prompted me to track down 
what local changes we made to msi over the years. So here are some patches 
which I think are improvements worthy to be included in the next release 
(all changes are to file msi.c):

(1) This one is from 2000-16-03. It allows empty patterns and empty 

@@ -142,16 +142,18 @@
     long status;
     status = macParseDefns(macPvt,pval,&pairs);
-    if(!status) {
+    if(status==-1) {
         fprintf(stderr,"Error macParseDefns error\n");
-    status = macInstallMacros(macPvt,pairs);
-    if(!status) {
-        fprintf(stderr,"Error macInstallMacros error\n");
-        usageExit();
+    if(status) {
+        status = macInstallMacros(macPvt,pairs);
+        if(!status) {
+            fprintf(stderr,"Error macInstallMacros error\n");
+            usageExit();
+        }
+        free((void *)pairs);
-    free((void *)pairs);
 typedef enum {cmdInclude,cmdSubstitute} cmdType;

(2) This is from 2001-09-03. It fixes the problem that msi silently 
terminates if it encounters code like 'file xyz {}'.

@@ -576,7 +578,7 @@
     *filename = psubInfo->filename;
     while(psubFile->token==tokenSeparater) subGetNextToken(psubFile);
     if(psubFile->token==tokenLBrace) return(1);
-    if(psubFile->token==tokenRBrace) return(0);
+    if(psubFile->token==tokenRBrace) return(1);
     || strcmp(psubFile->string,"pattern")!=0) {
         subFileErrPrint(psubFile,"Expecting pattern");

(3) Use a do-{}-while loop instead of duplicating the loop body.

@@ -674,12 +676,10 @@
     char *pline;
-    pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
-    ++psubFile->lineNum;
-    while(pline && psubFile->inputBuffer[0]=='#') {
-       pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
+    do {
+        pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
-    }
+    } while(pline && psubFile->inputBuffer[0]=='#');
     if(!pline) {
        psubFile->token = tokenEOF;
        psubFile->inputBuffer[0] = 0;


I have attached a patch file containing these three changes relative to msi 
release 1.5.

BTW, is the msi repo still CVS? If yes, what about moving it to a public 
server and switch to some more convenient VCS?


Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fÃr Materialien und Energie GmbH   
Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin   
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch   
Stellvertretende Vorsitzende: Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph GeschÃftsfÃhrer: Prof. Dr. Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Dr. Ulrich Breuer   
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin Handelsregister: AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583   

Disclaimer automatically attached by the E-Mail Security Appliance   
mail0.bessy.de 08/17/10 at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin GmbH. 
--- /opt/repositories/controls/darcs/epics/extensions/msi/vendor/msi.c	2010-08-17 12:41:52.000000000 +0200
+++ msi.c	2010-08-17 13:45:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -142,16 +142,18 @@
     long status;
     status = macParseDefns(macPvt,pval,&pairs);
-    if(!status) {
+    if(status==-1) {
         fprintf(stderr,"Error macParseDefns error\n");
-    status = macInstallMacros(macPvt,pairs);
-    if(!status) {
-        fprintf(stderr,"Error macInstallMacros error\n");
-        usageExit();
+    if(status) {
+        status = macInstallMacros(macPvt,pairs);
+        if(!status) {
+            fprintf(stderr,"Error macInstallMacros error\n");
+            usageExit();
+        }
+        free((void *)pairs);
-    free((void *)pairs);
 typedef enum {cmdInclude,cmdSubstitute} cmdType;
@@ -576,7 +578,7 @@
     *filename = psubInfo->filename;
     while(psubFile->token==tokenSeparater) subGetNextToken(psubFile);
     if(psubFile->token==tokenLBrace) return(1);
-    if(psubFile->token==tokenRBrace) return(0);
+    if(psubFile->token==tokenRBrace) return(1);
     || strcmp(psubFile->string,"pattern")!=0) {
         subFileErrPrint(psubFile,"Expecting pattern");
@@ -674,12 +676,10 @@
     char *pline;
-    pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
-    ++psubFile->lineNum;
-    while(pline && psubFile->inputBuffer[0]=='#') {
-	pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
+    do {
+        pline = fgets(psubFile->inputBuffer,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,psubFile->fp);
-    }
+    } while(pline && psubFile->inputBuffer[0]=='#');
     if(!pline) {
 	psubFile->token = tokenEOF;
 	psubFile->inputBuffer[0] = 0;

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