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Subject: Epics C# Library problems
From: Perrier Pierre <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 14:39:40 +0000



I’m trying the EPICS C# Library in order to create a client to manage a Camera IOC. Unfortunately, I have some problems with the monitoring of waveforms records.


I want to monitor a waveform PV which contains data of a 640x480 gray scale picture (integers from 0 to 255). So it’s a large waveform of 307,200 elements. When  I process the following code, I catch a “Server did not respond in Time to Get Request” exception ( or , in debug mode,  the code doesn’t return).



EpicsClient m_client = new EpicsClient();


                EpicsChannel<int> m_acquisitionCamera = m_client.CreateChannel<int>(“CameraJAI :Acquisition”) ;

                Int[] l_data = m_acquisitionCamera.Get<int[]>() ; 

} catch (Exception e){

                System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message) ;

                System.Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace) ;



Is there a way to fix this problem ? Any advices ? In order to really create a monitor, someone can show me a short sample of an EPICS C# monitor which manages an array record.



Best Regards,


Stagiaire - MCO LIL

Sopra group.

Parc Innolin
9 rue du Golf 33700 Merignac
Phone : +33 (0)5 56 12 79 59
[email protected] - www.sopragroup.com


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RE: Epics C# Library problems Bertrand Alain

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