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Subject: EDM
From: Zenon Szalata <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 22:05:43 -0700
I have a peculiar problem which I fail to understand.
I am using EPICS R3.14.12.2, EDM 1-12-56.
I have a few longout records which are created from the same template. After the IOC is initialized, these longout records have non zero values. The records are controlled via EDM Text Control widgets. At this point, no user entries were made. I could explain how these records got the initial values, but that is probably not relevant. When I start an EDM screen which has the Text Controls, one of the controls shows value of zero. caget on this record shows a non zero value. I got the PV name for the caget command by middle clicking on the Text Control. Yet, all the other Text Controls show the correct non zero values which are the values that I verified with both caget and dbpr commands. The Text Controls were created by copy and paste, all the records were created from the same template. Restarting EDM does not help. Putting EDM in edit mode and back in execute mode does not help; the value zero is stubbornly displayed and just for this one PV.

Here is dbpr output for the record in question:

epics> dbpr ESA:LO:SC:2531-21:CH1:MAXV-WR:DATA,5
ACKS: NO_ALARM      ACKT: YES           ADEL: 0             ALST: 0
ASG: ASP: (nil) BKPT: 00 DESC: MaxVelocity:
DISA: 0             DISP: 0             DISS: NO_ALARM      DISV: 1
DOL:CONSTANT        DPVT: (nil)         DRVH: 0             DRVL: 0
DSET: 0x7f8994126760                    DTYP: Soft Channel EGU:
EVNT: 0             FLNK:DB_LINK ESA:LO:2531-21:CH1:MAXV-WR:REG
HHSV: NO_ALARM      HIGH: 0             HIHI: 0             HOPR: 0
HSV: NO_ALARM       HYST: 0             IVOA: Continue normally
IVOV: 0             LALM: 0             LCNT: 0             LLSV: NO_ALARM
LOLO: 0             LOPR: 0             LOW: 0              LSET: 0x136f8c0
MLIS: c0 69 02 20 89 7f 00 00 30 5e 02 20 89 7f 00 00 02 00 00 00
MLOK: 50 64 29 01 00 00 00 00           MLST: 0
NAME: ESA:LO:SC:2531-21:CH1:MAXV-WR:DATA                    NSEV: NO_ALARM
NSTA: NO_ALARM      OMSL: supervisory   OUT:CONSTANT        PACT: 0
PHAS: 0             PINI: NO            PPN: (nil)          PPNR: (nil)
PRIO: LOW           PROC: 0             PUTF: 0             RDES: 0x10b1220
RPRO: 0             RSET: 0x7f8994362180                    SCAN: Passive
SIMS: NO_ALARM      SIOL:CONSTANT       SPVT: (nil)         STAT: UDF
TIME: <undefined>   TPRO: 0             TSE: 0 TSEL:CONSTANT
UDF: 0              VAL: 50

dbpr output for the other records (which don't show this problem) looks identical for all practical purposes. Any suggestion as to the nature of the problem and how to over come it, would be much appreciated.

Re: EDM Bruce Hill
RE: EDM Mark Rivers

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