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Subject: More on Modbus
From: Zenon Szalata <[email protected]>
To: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:39:15 -0700
Hi Mark,
Some of what I wrote in my previous email is no longer relevant. I have since played with controlling the polling timeout to reduce the interference between the reads done in the polling thread and the write-reads that I am attempting from my rather complicated set of EPICS records. I have reached a conclusion, hopefully correct, that what I really need is a Modbus device driver that would give me a full control when and in which order register read and write operations are performed.
Is this possible with the existing Modbus support module?
I am thinking that it would be very nice to have a C++ base class like asynPortDriver, or perhaps a subclass of asynPortDriver, which would implement all the details of Modbus protocol and basic IO.
Have you thought of writing something like that?
Do you think such a class would be useful?
Beckhoff are the only modbus devices that I have written software for and the stepper motor controllers are the only devices for which I find your Modbus support module too limited. For that reason I am a bit hesitant to start a new project, that is to write the C++ class. Could you offer your insight on this?
Thanks in advance,

RE: More on Modbus Mark Rivers

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