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Subject: Re: CSS and Subversion
From: "Kasemir, Kay" <[email protected]>
To: "Vigder, Mark" <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:03:31 -0400

There have been other sites interested in including SVN support, so for a while I tried to include that out of the box in the SNS-supported products, but stopped because we don't really use that here.

As far as I remember, there are several options:
Subclipse from Tigris, subversive from ??.
Again as far as I remember, subclipse "worked", except that it wants you to also have some native SVN tools available on the computer.
So each time you start CSS or Eclipse, it would complain that this piece is missing, which is very annoying if you don't really care to use SVN at all.
If you do use SVN, you'd have those installed, so then it's not a problem.

In short, try subclipse instead of subversive?


On Jun 19, 2013, at 12:59 PM, "Vigder, Mark" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

I'm trying to get the SVN plugin going on CSS, and can't get it working. I've tried installing
the Subversive SVN team provider from the Eclipse Indigo download site (also from the
Helios and Juno sites just in case). After installing SVN, when I try starting CSS, the CSS
application starts up, but in a very crippled state. The Welcome screen has the error message:

       Could not create the view: org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewIntroAdapterPart
       cannot be cast to org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart

Basically, almost everything is broken. Any tricks to getting this going?


RE: CSS and Subversion Vigder, Mark
CSS and Subversion Vigder, Mark

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