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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: race condition with calcout & CA input links?
From: "Konrad, Martin" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 15:57:02 +0000
I ran into the following problem: I have a PV (called DMOV) that makes a
1-0-1 transition which in some cases can be very fast (simulated by a
seq record for testing). I'd like to reset another PV (called
doneMovingGate_) to 1 when the 0-1 transition happens.

Here is how I tried to implement that (cf. screenshot of the VDCT screen):

1. Using a calcout record that has its input CP-linked to DMOV. => The
calcout record processes twice for each 1-0-1 transition but it doesn't
reset doneMovingGate_. I guess this happens because for some reason it
reads 1 all the time.

2. To make sure I use the calcout record correctly I increased the
length of the 0 state to 0.1 seconds. => Everything works as expected
(doneMovingGate_2 is reset to 1).

3. I put everything into the same lock set by using a FLNK + NPP instead
of a CP link. => Everything works as expected (doneMovingGate_3 is reset
to 1).

Now my question is: Why does the calcout record miss the 0 while my
camonitor (which also connects via Channel Access) gets the 1-0-1
transition reliably? As far as I can see from biRecord.c
db_post_events() is issued right before the forward links are processed.
So if it works with forward links (case #3 from above) why doesn't it
with a CP link (case #1)? Is this some sort of a race condition?

Any help is greatly appreciated


P.S.: $ uname -a
Linux konrad-linuxlap 3.8.0-30-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 22
20:52:24 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
record(seq, mk:seq) {
  field(DOL1, "0")
  field(LNK1, "mk:DMOV PP MS")
  field(DOL2, "1")
  field(LNK2, "mk:DMOV PP MS")

record(bi, mk:DMOV) {
  field(ZNAM, "zero")
  field(ONAM, "one")

record(calcout, mk:doneMovingCloseGate_) {
  field(CALC, "A")
  field(INPA, "mk:DMOV CP MS")
  field(OUT, "mk:doneMovingGate_ PP MS")
  field(OOPT, "Transition To Non-zero")
  field(DOPT, "Use OCAL")
  field(OCAL, "1")

record(bo, mk:doneMovingGate_) {
record(seq, mk:seq2) {
  field(DOL1, "0")
  field(LNK1, "mk:DMOV2 PP MS")
  field(DLY2, "0.1")
  field(DOL2, "1")
  field(LNK2, "mk:DMOV2 PP MS")

record(bi, mk:DMOV2) {
  field(ZNAM, "zero")
  field(ONAM, "one")

record(calcout, mk:doneMovingCloseGate_2) {
  field(CALC, "A")
  field(INPA, "mk:DMOV2 CP MS")
  field(OUT, "mk:doneMovingGate_2 PP MS")
  field(OOPT, "Transition To Non-zero")
  field(DOPT, "Use OCAL")
  field(OCAL, "1")

record(bo, mk:doneMovingGate_2) {
record(seq, mk:seq3) {
  field(DOL1, "0")
  field(LNK1, "mk:DMOV3 PP MS")
  field(DOL2, "1")
  field(LNK2, "mk:DMOV3 PP MS")

record(bi, mk:DMOV3) {
  field(FLNK, "mk:doneMovingCloseGate_3")
  field(ZNAM, "zero")
  field(ONAM, "one")

record(calcout, mk:doneMovingCloseGate_3) {
  field(CALC, "A")
  field(INPA, "mk:DMOV3 NPP MS")
  field(OUT, "mk:doneMovingGate_3 PP MS")
  field(OOPT, "Transition To Non-zero")
  field(DOPT, "Use OCAL")
  field(OCAL, "1")

record(bo, mk:doneMovingGate_3) {

Attachment: screenshot VDCT.png
Description: screenshot VDCT.png

Re: race condition with calcout & CA input links? Andrew Johnson

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