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Subject: Breakpoint tables: Raw value must be integer?!?
From: Emmanuel Mayssat <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 16:49:15 -0800

I would like to replace a few of my existing CALC records (polynomial transformation) with simple breakpoint tables.
Let's assume that my raw values are voltages between 0 and 5V, I could therefore build a transformation table as follow:

breaktable(bptPosSlope) {
        raw=0.000000 slope=9.000000e+00 eng=-27.000000
        raw=1.000000 slope=1.800000e+01 eng=-18.000000
        raw=2.000000 slope=1.800000e+01 eng=0.000000
        raw=3.000000 slope=1.400000e+01 eng=18.000000
        raw=4.000000 slope=3.000000e+00 eng=32.000000
        raw=5.000000 slope=3.000000e+00 eng=35.000000

Although the table allows for double/float transformation, to my surprise, the RAW value stored in the AI record is an integer.
Maybe is it because of my INP link...

This record is supposed to be the raw value
clsXdev:6175>dbpr RECORDS:BrkpntTable:Rdbck:RawAI              
ASG:                DESC: Raw readback  DISA: 0             DISP: 0            
DISV: 1             NAME: RECORDS:BrkpntTable:Rdbck:RawAI   RVAL: 0            
SEVR: NO_ALARM      STAT: NO_ALARM      SVAL: 0             TPRO: 0            
VAL: 1.111         

Which is transformed in another ai record (which has its INP field pointing to the above record).

clsXdev:6175>dbpr RECORDS:BrkpntTable:RdbckAI 3
ACKS: NO_ALARM      ACKT: YES           ADEL: 0             ALST: -18          
AOFF: 0             ASG:                ASLO: 1             BKPT: 00           
DESC: Readback      DISA: 0             DISP: 0             DISS: NO_ALARM     
DISV: 1             DTYP: Raw Soft Channel                  EGU: mm            
EGUF: 0             EGUL: 0             EOFF: 0             ESLO: 1            
EVNT: 0             FLNK:CONSTANT 0     HHSV: NO_ALARM      HIGH: 0            
HIHI: 0             HOPR: 0             HSV: NO_ALARM       HYST: 0            
INIT: 0             INP:DB_LINK RECORDS:BrkpntTable:Rdbck:RawAI.VAL NPP NMS    
LALM: -18           LBRK: 0             LCNT: 0             LINR: bptPosSlope  
LLSV: NO_ALARM      LOLO: 0             LOPR: 0             LOW: 0             
LSV: NO_ALARM       MDEL: 0             MLST: -18          
NAME: RECORDS:BrkpntTable:RdbckAI       NSEV: NO_ALARM      NSTA: NO_ALARM     
ORAW: 1             PACT: 0             PHAS: 0             PINI: NO           
PREC: 3             PRIO: LOW           PROC: 0             PUTF: 0            
ROFF: 0             RPRO: 0             RVAL: 1             SCAN: 1 second     
SIMS: NO_ALARM      SIOL:CONSTANT       SMOO: 0             STAT: NO_ALARM     
SVAL: 0             TIME: 2013-11-22 16:44:26.374133281     TPRO: 0            
TSE: 0              TSEL:CONSTANT       UDF: 0              VAL: -18

Now for some reason the RVAL of this last record is = to 1 (and not 1.1111)
As a result, the VAL is not calculated correctly.

Is RVAL supposed to be an integer?
How can fix my current example?


RE: Breakpoint tables: Raw value must be integer?!? Allison, Stephanie

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