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Subject: MAXv model-3 - error reading axis position after 5 attempts
From: "Luchini, Kristi L." <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 15:29:19 -0800

Has anyone seen this error on the new model-3 version of the MAXv driver (omsAsyn) ?

   8544 omsBaseDriver:BasePoller:MAXv-01: error reading axis position after 5 attempts^M
   8545 omsBaseDriver:BasePoller:MAXv-01: error reading axis position after 5 attempts^M
   8546 omsBaseDriver:getAxesArray:MAXv-01: array string conversion error, count: 0, axes: 8, input: >MNNN,PNNN,MNNN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN<^M
   8547 2014/02/05 12:03:30.540 omsBaseDriver:readInt32:MAXv-01 wrong AUX state N^M
   8548 2014/02/05 12:03:30.670omsBaseDriver:getAxesArray:MAXv-01: array string conversion error, count: 0, axes: 8, input: >MNNN,PNNN,MNNN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN,PNLN<^M

We have seen this error in  a few motion control applications with MAXv controllers.  All of the IOCs were
 running motor-R6-8 asyn MAXv driver.  The problem seems to occur when we're using a number of axis, and in 
some cases using virtual motors where multiple axis are moved at once.

1) MAXv  controller, with 2 steppers and 1 servo motors. This  MAXv has FW 1.45
2) MAXv controller , with 8 steppers. This MAXv has FW 1.44 (vitual motors moving 4-axis at once, and 2-axis at once using transform record)
3) MAXv controller, with 7 steppers.  This  MAXv has FW 1.31  (virtual motors, moves 4 axis at once, and 2-axis using transform record)

Mitch D'Ewart found that  "The omsMAXv::sendOnly function checks the input buffer and flushes one response if there is anything there but we seem to have come on a case where there are multiple responses backed up.  These responses are controlled by a message semaphore.  It seems that once sendOnly flushes the input buffer and clears the semaphore then the MAXv sends another backed up message response.  Finally the receive part of the calling function gets the wrong message.

There are two solutions that have been implemented recently at SLAC. Both will be booted on Monday 3/10/2014, in production.
So we don't know if the problem is fixed yet.
1) Ziga added eieio in omsMAXv.cpp by including basicIoOps.h from Till Strauman.

static void writeReg8(volatile epicsUInt8 *a8, epicsUInt8 value)
#ifdef HAS_IOOPS_H
    out_8(a8, value);
    *a8 = value;

2) Mitch, changed the function sendOnly() to flush multiple responses.

EPICS R3.14.12 

How shold asyn support implementation  respond in this sort of case, where the response messages get out of sync with the queries? 
Do you simply clear you the response buffer, buffer and start again, or is there another solution?  Has anyone else implemented a fix to this
Particular MAxv but or to another asyn support driver?


RE: MAXv model-3 - error reading axis position after 5 attempts Mark Rivers
Re: MAXv model-3 - error reading axis position after 5 attempts Benjamin Franksen

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