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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Problem building synApps on Windows...
From: David Reid <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:54:55 +0000



I’m having an issue with building synApps on my windows-x64 machine.  I am running base3.14.12.4.  Here’s the error that I’m getting:



Creating library safeMonitor.lib and object safeMonitor.exp

Generating code

Finished generating code

"preprocessing ../userfunc.st"

cl /C /E             /favor:blend   /nologo /D__STDC__=0 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPREC

ATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I.. -I../../../include/os

/WIN32 -I../../../include -Ic:\epics\base/include/os/WIN32 -Ic:\epics\base/inclu

de       ../userfunc.st > userfunc.i


"converting userfunc.i"

../../../bin/windows-x64/snc.exe   +m -i  userfunc.i -o userfunc.c.tmp

perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mv userfunc.c.tmp userfunc.c

cl -c             /favor:blend   /nologo /D__STDC__=0 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

/D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE   /Ox /GL   /W3 /w44355       /MD     -I. -I..\\O.C

ommon -I. -I.. -I..\\..\\..\\include\\os\\WIN32 -I..\\..\\..\\include -Ic:\epics

\base\\include\\os\\WIN32 -Ic:\epics\base\\include       userfunc.c


link -nologo  /LTCG /incremental:no /opt:ref /release   /MACHINE:X64

-out:userfunc.exe        userfunc.obj seqSoftIoc_registerRecordDeviceDriver.obj

testSupport.obj      ..\\..\\..\\lib\\windows-x64\\seq.lib  ..\\..\\..\\lib\\wi

ndows-x64\\pv.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\recIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\l

ib\\windows-x64\\softDevIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\miscIoc.lib  c

:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\rsrvIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\db

toolsIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\asIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\wi

ndows-x64\\dbIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\registryIoc.lib  c:\epics

\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\dbStaticIoc.lib  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\ca.li

b  c:\epics\base\\lib\\windows-x64\\Com.lib

   Creating library userfunc.lib and object userfunc.exp

Generating code

Finished generating code

"preprocessing ../userfuncEf.st"

cl /C /E             /favor:blend   /nologo /D__STDC__=0 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPREC

ATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I.. -I../../../include/os

/WIN32 -I../../../include -Ic:\epics\base/include/os/WIN32 -Ic:\epics\base/inclu

de       ../userfuncEf.st > userfuncEf.i


"converting userfuncEf.i"

../../../bin/windows-x64/snc.exe   +m -i  userfuncEf.i -o userfuncEf.c.tmp

perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mv userfuncEf.c.tmp userfuncEf.c

cl -c             /favor:blend   /nologo /D__STDC__=0 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

/D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE   /Ox /GL   /W3 /w44355       /MD     -I. -I..\\O.C

ommon -I. -I.. -I..\\..\\..\\include\\os\\WIN32 -I..\\..\\..\\include -Ic:\epics

\base\\include\\os\\WIN32 -Ic:\epics\base\\include       userfuncEf.c


userfuncEf.c(13) : error C2016: C requires that a struct or union has at least o

ne member

../userfuncEf.st(26) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'

make[4]: *** [userfuncEf.obj] Error 2

make[4]: Leaving directory `c:/epics/synApps_5_7/support/seq-2-1-13/test/validat


make[3]: *** [install.windows-x64] Error 2

make[3]: Leaving directory `c:/epics/synApps_5_7/support/seq-2-1-13/test/validat


make[2]: *** [validate.install] Error 2

make[2]: Leaving directory `c:/epics/synApps_5_7/support/seq-2-1-13/test'

make[1]: *** [test.install] Error 2

make[1]: Leaving directory `c:/epics/synApps_5_7/support/seq-2-1-13'

make: *** [c:\epics\synApps_5_7\support/seq-2-1-13.install] Error 2





Any hints would be very appreciated…Thanks…




David Reid
Software Engineer, Behavior

Description: C:\AllenInstitute_Email_signature_html_6e825420.png



Re: Problem building synApps on Windows... Andrew Johnson

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