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Subject: Error in Linking a shared library
From: Muhammad Saleem <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 09:54:52 +0500
Dear Dirk Zimoch,
I am writing device support for a digital output card from Adlink, PCI-7434. Adlink ships a shared library file "libpci_dask.so" that needs to be linked with every code we write for these DO cards. Here is the normal gcc command line which successfully compiles a code written for PCI-7434.

gcc -o 7434test -lpci_dask 7434test.o conio.o

I have written device support routines for this card and now I am trying to include it in IOC. However, It gives the following error, every time I type make.


make[3]: *** No rule to make target `../../../lib/linux-x86/lib-lpci_dask.a', needed by `PCI7434'.  Stop.

make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/muhammad/Device Support/DevSupPCI7434/PCI7434App/src/O.linux-x86'
make[2]: *** [install.linux-x86] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/muhammad/Device Support/DevSupPCI7434/PCI7434App/src'
make[1]: *** [src.install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/muhammad/Device Support/DevSupPCI7434/PCI7434App'
make: *** [PCI7434App.install] Error 2

I have copied this file "libpci_dask.so"  in 'linux-x86' directory. However, it just keeps looking for static library with this name. My Make file within 'src' directory is here.


include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG

# Build the IOC application

# PCI7434.dbd will be created and installed
DBD += PCI7434.dbd

# PCI7434.dbd will be made up from these files:
PCI7434_DBD += base.dbd

# Include dbd files from all support applications:
PCI7434_DBD += devPCI7434.dbd

# Add all the support libraries needed by this IOC
PCI7434_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes

# Add all the support libraries needed by this IOC
PCI7434_LIBS += -lpci_dask

# PCI7434_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp derives from PCI7434.dbd
PCI7434_SRCS += PCI7434_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp
#PCI7434_SRCS += devBoPCI7434P3.c
PCI7434_SRCS += drvDoPCI7434P3.c
PCI7434_SRCS += PCI7434RegP3.c

# Build the main IOC entry point on workstation OSs.
PCI7434_SRCS_DEFAULT += PCI7434Main.cpp
PCI7434_SRCS_vxWorks += -nil-

# Add support from base/src/vxWorks if needed
#PCI7434_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary

# Finally link to the EPICS Base libraries


include $(TOP)/configure/RULES

The line "PCI7434_LIBS += -lpci_dask" somehow fails to include it as a shared library. I also written the following lines in "CONFIG_SITE" file.


as suggested in one identical problems. I shall appreciate if you can help in figuring out the problem.

with regards,

Re: Error in Linking a shared library Ralph Lange

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