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Subject: RE: parametric PV save/restore
From: "Mooney, Tim M." <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 18:23:42 +0000
I did a small-scale version of this in Python, to copy motor settings from one motor record to another:

import epics
def copyMotorSettings(fromMotor="xxx:m1", toMotor="xxx:m2"):
	motorFields = [".MRES", ".ERES", ".RRES", ".SREV", ".DIR", ".DHLM", ".DLLM", ".TWV",  
	".VBAS", ".VELO", ".ACCL", ".BDST", ".BVEL", ".BACC", ".RDBD", ".DESC",
	".EGU", ".RTRY", ".UEIP", ".URIP", ".DLY", ".RDBL", ".PREC", ".DISA",
	".DISP", ".FOFF", ".OFF", ".FRAC", ".OMSL", ".JVEL", ".JAR", ".VMAX",
	".PCOF", ".ICOF", ".DCOF", ".HVEL", ".NTM", ".NTMF", ".INIT", ".PREM",
	".POST", ".FLNK", ".RMOD"]
	for field in motorFields:
		val = epics.caget(fromMotor+field)
		epics.caput(toMotor+field, val)

An advantage of this strategy is that you have support for implementing moduleCopy(from,to) with multiple calls to channelCopy(from,to).  Also, it's pretty straightforward to implement verifyLastCopy(), and doing so gives you most of the infrastructure needed to implement undoLastCopy().

Tim Mooney ([email protected]) (630)252-5417
Beamline Controls Group (www.aps.anl.gov)
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab

From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of [email protected] [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 4:49 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: parametric PV save/restore

my EPICS IOC has a set of PV of this format:


where <MODULE_ID> and <CHANNEL_ID> is inside 0...15 interval;

I'm looking for a "strategy" to give the operator
the feature of copy the setup of a module <x> to a module
<y> or copy a setup of a channel <x><c> to a channel <y><c>;

Thanks in advance,

Gennaro Tortone
INFN Napoli
tel: +39 81 676169

"Computer Science is no more about computers
     than astronomy is about telescopes."
     - Edsger Dijkstra

parametric PV save/restore [email protected]

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