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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields
From: "Kim, Kukhee" <[email protected]>
To: "Zhang, Dehong" <[email protected]>, "Straumann, Till" <[email protected]>, "Mooney, Tim M." <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "Dalesio, Bob" <[email protected]>, "Williams Jr., Ernest L." <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 17:57:02 +0000
Hi Dehong,

>> In the end of db_post_single_event_private() as Kukhee attached, the memcpy only copies ONE element, the first one!  Because it only copies "event->paddr->field_size"
>> bytes, without a "* no_of_elements".

Thank you for your clarification. I missed it.

Best regards,
Kukhee Kim
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Rd, MS 64
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (650)926-4912
Fax:   (650)926-3800

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Dehong 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:32 AM
To: Kim, Kukhee; Straumann, Till; Mooney, Tim M.; [email protected]; Dalesio, Bob; Williams Jr., Ernest L.; [email protected]
Subject: Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields

Hi Everyone,

Thank you very much for all the efforts to help.  I was trying to avoid but just felt have to chase the source code.  I believe it is clear now -- Ralph and the AppDevGuide are correct.

What we are talking about here is: with 3.14.12, the time stamp consistency behavior of "caget" and "camonitor" for scaler fields (single element) and for string/array fields (multiple elements).

In the beginning of db_post_events() (src/db/dbEvent.c), there is:
    if (pdbc->mlis.count == 0) return DB_EVENT_OK; /* no monitors set */

so whatever it is buffering, it only deals with "camonitor", not "caget".

In the end of db_post_single_event_private() as Kukhee attached, the memcpy only copies ONE element, the first one!  Because it only copies "event->paddr->field_size"
bytes, without a "* no_of_elements".

"not to copy the whole string/array" is actually a good behavior.  The question is how to deal with it when ready to send the data to the network.

So, unless the CA server uses some kind of lock/mutex to prevent the record from being updated, either from CA, or from the record itself, 1. for "caget", there is no guarantee at all, for scaler fields or for string/array fields 2. for "camonitor", scaler fields are guaranteed to have consistent time stamps; but
     string/array fields don't have any guarantee.

>From the name, dbScanLock() seems to be for updating (writing) requests from outside the record.  Of course the record support itself can also call it, when the record wants to update itself, to block updating requests from outside.  Is it easy to let the CA server also call it when the CA server wants to reply to "caget" or broadcast to the "camonitor"

Guess the 3.14.12 CA server is not doing it, otherwise it would not need to buffer anything.

Thank you very much again Everyone.  Please advise!

Best regards,

From: Kim, Kukhee
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 6:05 PM
To: Straumann, Till; Zhang, Dehong; Mooney, Tim M.; [email protected]; Dalesio, Bob; Williams Jr., Ernest L.
Subject: RE: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating     multiple fields

Dear Everyone,

>> In summary: even 3.14 guarantees that all array data along with timestamp and status are obtained via CA as a consistent set.

I think, Till is right.

I have a chance to look at code which related with the previous discussion.
I am looking at the very end of "db_post_single_event_private()"  which is called by db_post_event().

    if (pLog && event->valque) {
        struct dbCommon *precord = event->paddr->precord;
        pLog->stat = precord->stat;
        pLog->sevr = precord->sevr;
        pLog->time = precord->time;

         * use memcpy to avoid a bus error on
         * union copy of char in the db at an odd
         * address
        memcpy( (char *)&pLog->field,
            (char *)event->paddr->pfield,

        event->pLastLog = pLog;


It saves STAT, SEVR and TIME into ring buffer. It also saves the interesting field data even the field is array or string.
Please, look at the "memcpy()" part in the code.  So,  These STAT,SEVR, TIME and field data are a consistent set as Till mentioned previous email.

Dehong has pointed out a sentence in  EPICS App Dev Guide. I am copying Section 15.6 here.
Please, look at very last sentence.
Since, db_post_event saves pField data into the ring buffer, the behavior has been improved already.
We need to update the App Dev Guide.

=============  Section 15.6  in EPICS Ap Dev Guide ====================================
 The function db_post_events is written so that record support will never be blocked attempting to post an event because a slow client is not able to process events fast enough. Each call to db_post_events causes the current value, alarm status, and time stamp for the field to be copied into a ring buffer. The thread calling db_post_events will not be delayed by any network or memory allocation overhead. A lower priority thread in the server is responsible for transferring the events in the event queue to the channel access clients that may be monitoring the process variable.

Currently, when an event is posted for a DBF_STRING field or a field containing array data the value is NOT saved in the ring buffer and the client will receive whatever value happens to be in the field when the lower priority thread transfers the event to the client. This behavior may be improved in the future.

Thank you.
Best regards,

Kukhee Kim
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Rd, MS 64
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (650)926-4912
Fax:   (650)926-3800

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Till Straumann
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:45 AM
To: Zhang, Dehong; Mooney, Tim M.; [email protected]; Dalesio, Bob; Williams Jr., Ernest L.
Subject: Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields


First of all - these are not dumb questions but very important ones.
Ralph has already answered them in detail but there was a little confusion around consistency of array data and timestamps.

In summary: even 3.14 guarantees that all array data along with timestamp and status are obtained via CA as a consistent set.

Basically: both, database scanning (record processing) and CA use dbScanLock() on the involved record(s)' lockset for synchronization.

- Till

On 05/01/2016 12:55 AM, Zhang, Dehong wrote:

        Hi Tim, Till and Bob,

        Thank you very much for the advices.  Could one of you, or any other EPICS experts

        seeing this message, please spare a few minutes to compile a short summery, to answer

        the following questions (for 3.14.12):

        1. is it true that all the "process" functions of all the records within one IOC share ONE

            thread?  So we should avoid having within one IOC multiple records which have

            extensive calculations (including memory copying) in their "process" functions?

        2. the CA server uses another thread(s) with lower priority for broadcasting to "camonitor"s

            and replying to "caget"s?  Is this thread(s) shared by all the records?

        3. does the CA server have its own buffers for each field/broadcasts?  Or it shares the same

            memory locations with the records?

            Here the answer seems to be "yes" for scaler fields, BUT "no" for string or array fields:

            From section 15.6 of the AppDevGuide:

        The function db_post_events is written so that record support will never be blocked attempting to post an event because a slow client is not able to process events fast enough. Each call to db_post_events causes the current value, alarm status, and time stamp for the field to be copied into a ring buffer. The thread calling db_post_events will not be delayed by any network or memory allocation overhead. A lower priority thread in the server is responsible for transferring the events in the event queue to the channel access clients that may be monitoring the process variable.

        Currently, when an event is posted for a DBF_STRING field or a field containing array data the value is NOT saved in the ring buffer and the client will receive whatever value happens to be in the field when the lower priority thread transfers the event to the client. This behavior may be improved in the future.

            does this mean that there is NO guarantee that string/array fields will have the correct

            time stamps?

        4. what happens when the CA server replies to "caget"?  Do we also have this "scalers are

            buffered, but string/arrays are not" issue?  Or "nothing is buffered, but takes whatever

            is available (old data and new time stamp, or new data and old time stamp etc) at that

            particular moment?

        5. for completeness, a real dumb question: if I don't, or haven't have time yet to, call "db_post_event",

            the "camonitor"s will certainly not get anything, but can a "caget" still get the current value?

        Sorry for all these dumb questions.  More and more we are using EPICS in a daq fashion.

        From the above document, I see a great danger in correctly assigning time stamps to

        string/array data.  Without patching EPICS base, it seems there is no lock/mutex will help

        to close this hole.  Hopefully it is me who missed something.

        (Or, we will have to embed the time stamp within/after the data?)

        Please advice.

        Thank you again, best regards,



        From: Till Straumann <[email protected]> <mailto:[email protected]>
        Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 11:54 PM
        To: Mooney, Tim M.; Zhang, Dehong; [email protected]
        Subject: Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields

        I would be a little bit more conservative and stress that this kind of thinking is very

        Your scenario might work on a real-time system with properly assigned priorities
        "most of the time".

        However, if you have e.g., an unprivileged IOC running under linux then it will use
        a time-sharing scheduler where every thread essentially has the same priority and
        can be preempted when it's time-slice is consumed. Under such a scenario it can
        happen that record processing is pre-empted and the IOC side of caget
        could interfere.

        Even under a RTOS your assumption is dangerous: assume that the caget thread
        indeed has a lower priority than the record-processing one. It is still possible
        for the effective priority of caget to be raised above record-processing e.g., as a
        result of caget holding a priority-inheriting mutex on which a high-priority thread
        is waiting and then caget could preempt record-processing.

        Properly written code should IMHO use either lockfree algorithms or synchronization
        devices and never rely on assumptions about scheduling for synchronization.

        The good news are that EPICS is properly written code in that sense and caget
        respects the database locking. So it is ensured that you never get a field value
        with an incorrect timestamp since both are read 'atomically' by CA.

        OTOH, you cannot read multiple fields atomically with caget (AFAIK). I.e.,
        if your record has fields 'A' and 'B' then you cannot be sure caget(A); caget(B)
        yields a consistent set. One could be new, one old.

        There are work-arounds:
         - you can use an 'array' field. All elements of an array are accessed by CÁ atomically.
           E.g., when you caget a waveform record then you always get a consistent waveform
           (with a consistent timestamp), never a half-old, half-new one.
         - you could introduce locking semantics yourself. E.g., a 'LOCK' field. Record
           processing may not modify the essential fields while this is set. The user then
           has to caput(LOCK, 1); caget(FIELD1); caget(FIELD2), ...; caput(LOCK, 0);
           but you have to rely on the user observing the semantics.

        -- Till

        On 04/29/2016 09:56 PM, Mooney, Tim M. wrote:

                Hi Dehong,

                I don't think the IOC side of a caget is ever going to get any CPU cycles while your record is processing unless you voluntarily give up the processor - for example, by calling asynchronous device support, or by waiting for something (which record support isn't supposed to do anyway).  If all the fields that must be atomic are in the same record instance, I think you're ok.

                Tim Mooney ([email protected]) (630)252-5417
                Beamline Controls Group (www.aps.anl.gov)
                Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab


                From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Zhang, Dehong [ <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]]
                Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 6:12 PM
                To: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
                Subject: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields


                In my custom record, I need to update multiple fields atomically so they stay

                synchronized -- all updated, or none updated; not a few updated, but a few with the

                old data.  If I use my own mutex, I suspect that "caget" can cut in between the

                updating and gets, for example, new data with old time stamp, or old data with

                new time stamp depending on the order of updating.

                And I guess "camonitor" would not have this problem because it would be the server

                pushing the whole set (field itself and time stamp for instance).  Is this right?

                So to close this hole with "caget", which global lock should I use?  dbScanLock?

                Thank you, best regards,


Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Zhang, Dehong
RE: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Mooney, Tim M.
Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Till Straumann
Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Zhang, Dehong
Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Till Straumann
RE: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Kim, Kukhee
Re: Lock/Mutex to prevent "caget" from cutting in between updating multiple fields Zhang, Dehong

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