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Subject: quadEM R7-0 now available
From: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2016 20:00:58 +0000



quadEM R7-0 is now available. 


This is from the release notes:



- Changed the time-series and FFT support. Previously the time-series used the drvFastSweep driver from the synApps "mca" module. FFTs were done by an SNL program in the quadEM module. Now the time-series is done by the NDPluginTimeSeries plugin in areaDetector/ADCore. The FFT is now done by the NDPluginFFT plugin, also in ADCore. These changes mean that quadEM no longer depends on the mca or seq modules. They also add some significant new capabilities. For example the drvFastSweep driver is limited to epicsInt32 data, while the NDPluginTimeSeries plugin can handle any data type, including epicsFloat64 which is what the quadEM driver produces.


- This release requires at least R2-5 of ADCore because the NDPluginFFT and NDPluginRimeSeries were not present in previous releases.


- Added support for TriggerPolarity on the TetrAMM.


- Improved the support for data acquisition applications, such as step-scan and on-the-fly scans using ion-chamber and photodiode detectors. This is particularly true for the TetrAMM model, using the new firmware version 2.9.XXX. This firmware version or later is required, because it adds features and fixes bugs present in earlier versions.


- Changed the AcquireMode choices from Continuous/One-shot to Continuous/Multiple/Single. Multiple will collect NumAcquire acquisitions and then stop. Single is the same as the previous One-shot, but using the same terminology as areaDetector.


- Changed the TriggerMode choices from Internal/ExternalTrigger/ExternalGate to FreeRun/Software/ExternalTrigger/ExternalBulb/ExternalGate. These are explained in the quadEMDoc documentation.


- Changed the units of the current values on the NSLS_EM from A/D units to amperes. This is the same as the TetrAMM. The AH401 and AH501 are still in A/D units, but these may also be changed to amperes in a future release.


- Added Precision PVs to control the number of digits displayed for each current, sum, difference, and position. Current1 controls SumX, Current2 controls SumAll, and Current3 controls SumY.




The home page is here:



The documentation is here:



The release notes are here:



The software repository is on github.  Releases can be obtained there.



Let me know of any problems or suggestions.






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