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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Port scan with nmap causes infinite loop in casDGClient::processDG() [Re: CA gatway runs away when zero length PV name in UDP search request]
From: Shuei YAMADA <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:13:06 +0900
Dear all,

Last april I posted to teck-talk an problem that cagateway runs away
on rare occasions ( https://epics.anl.gov/tech-talk/2017/msg00714.php
).I successfully reproduced the problem by UDP-port scan with nmap.
When I run nmap as following:

nmap -sU -p 5064 -A ip.address.of.cagateway

- all PVs subscribing via cagateway become disconnected,
- cagateway is eating up the CPU,
- no distinguishable log messege, no "zero length PV name in UDP
search request?" either,
- excas shows the same simptom.

There is no way to exiting the the wile() loop in
casDGClient::processDG() when program reaches at the end of while()
block with a condition such that:
- this->in.bytesPresent()>0 && dgInBytesConsumed == 0 && status ==

We are using base R3.14.12.3 for production and R3.15.5 for evaluation
at our site and both have the problem. Also R3.14.12.7 and R3.16.1
seem to have the same problem. Please find a naiive fix for this in
the attatchment.

best regards,
                 Shuei Yamada,
                 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
                 mailto:[email protected]

Attachment: casDGClient.patch
Description: Binary data

Re: Port scan with nmap causes infinite loop in casDGClient::processDG() [Re: CA gatway runs away when zero length PV name in UDP search request] Ralph Lange

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