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Subject: Re: Question about communications based on modbus tcp.
From: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
To: lzf neu <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 03:24:24 +0000

I realize that I misread the previous version of your modbusInterposeConfig command:

modbusInterposeConfig(const char *portName,
                      int slaveAddress,
                      modbusLinkType linkType,
                      int timeoutMsec)


So your device is using slaveAddress=2, not 0.

Thus you need to use this slaveAddress in your drvModbusAsynConfigure command:


So this should be:
drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  2, 3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")

Please try this change.


From: lzf neu <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 8:30 PM
To: Mark Rivers
Cc: [email protected]; lzf neu
Subject: 答复: Question about communications based on modbus tcp.

Thanks for your reply, I have tried the settings below in modbusR2-9:

drvAsynIPPortConfigure("Koyo3R",  "",0,0,1)
drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  0, 3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")

However, the continuous error messages changed to the following lines, it seems the communications were still not established.:

epics> 2018/01/26 09:44:15.992 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R error calling writeRead, error= timeout: Resource temporarily unavailable, nwrite=6/6, nread=0
2018/01/26 09:44:19.156 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R error calling writeRead, error= timeout: Resource temporarily unavailable, nwrite=6/6, nread=0
2018/01/26 09:44:22.320 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R error calling writeRead, error= timeout: Resource temporarily unavailable, nwrite=6/6, nread=0

Thanks in advance !

发件人: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
发送时间: 2018年1月24日 12:44
收件人: lzf neu; [email protected]
主题: Re: Question about communications based on modbus tcp.

Hi Zhefu,

If you look at the difference between the example Koyo1.cmd startup script between R1-2 and R2-9 you will see the following.  For simplicity I have removed the commented out lines that relate to serial RTU and serial ASCII since those don't apply to you.


corvette:modbus/iocBoot/iocTest>git diff -U9 R1-2 R2-9 Koyo1.cmd
diff --git a/iocBoot/iocTest/Koyo1.cmd b/iocBoot/iocTest/Koyo1.cmd
index 7a9d0f4..7434046 100755
--- a/iocBoot/iocTest/Koyo1.cmd
+++ b/iocBoot/iocTest/Koyo1.cmd
@@ -3,91 +3,94 @@

 # Use the following commands for TCP/IP
 #drvAsynIPPortConfigure(const char *portName,
 #                       const char *hostInfo,
 #                       unsigned int priority,
 #                       int noAutoConnect,
 #                       int noProcessEos);
 #modbusInterposeConfig(const char *portName,
-#                      int slaveAddress,
 #                      modbusLinkType linkType,
-#                      int timeoutMsec)
+#                      int timeoutMsec,
+#                      int writeDelayMsec)

 # NOTE: We use octal numbers for the start address and length (leading zeros)
 #       to be consistent with the PLC nomenclature.  This is optional, decimal
 #       numbers (no leading zero) or hex numbers can also be used.
+#       In these examples we are using slave address 0 (number after "Koyo1").

 # The DL205 has bit access to the Xn inputs at Modbus offset 4000 (octal)
 # Read 32 bits (X0-X37).  Function code=2.
-drvModbusAsynConfigure("K1_Xn_Bit",      "Koyo1", 2,  04000, 040,    0,  100, "Koyo")
+drvModbusAsynConfigure("K1_Xn_Bit",      "Koyo1", 0, 2,  04000, 040,    0,  100, "Koyo")


So the differences are:

- In the drvAsynIPPortConfigure command in R1-2 the noAutoConnect flag was set.  This should not be set in R2-9, so you should change this:

drvAsynIPPortConfigure("Koyo3R",  "",0,1,1)

to this:

drvAsynIPPortConfigure("Koyo3R",  "",0,0,1)

- The arguments to modbusInterfaceConfigure were changed from this in R1-2:

modbusInterposeConfig(const char *portName,
                      int slaveAddress,
                      modbusLinkType linkType,
                      int timeoutMsec)

to this in R2-9:

modbusInterposeConfig(const char *portName,
                      modbusLinkType linkType,
                      int timeoutMsec
                      int writeDelayMsec)

So you should change this:


to this:


- Finally the drvModbusAsynConfigure command has changed from this in R1-2:


to this in R2-9:


This means that the slaveAddress argument has moved from the  modbusInterposeConfig function to the drvModbusAsynConfigure function.

Since you were previously using slaveAddress=0 in modbusInterposeConfig, you should now use slaveAddress=0 in drvModbusAsynConfigure.  Thus you should change this:

drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")

to this:

drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  0, 3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")


From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of lzf neu <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 2:00 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Question about communications based on modbus tcp.


There are radiation dose monitor devices by using modbus tcp protocol to communicate.

The communications have succeeded to establish by using epics, modbusR1-2 combined with asynR4-9 (very old version) many years ago.

Therefore, I want to upgrade to the latest program by using modbusR2-9 combined with asynR4-30 and epics

My settings are the same as the old version of modbusR1-2 in start.cmd file:

drvAsynIPPortConfigure("Koyo3R",  "",0,1,1)
modbusInterposeConfig("Koyo3R",  2,0,2000)
drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice") # modbusR1-2 version

I noticed that there was a little difference of parameter settings in the command drvModbusAsynConfigure of new version (modbusR2-9). The manual says :"For TCP the slave address is used for the "unit identifier", the last field in the MBAP header.", and the last field in the MBAP header, as i know,  is the slave address (ranging from 1 to 247).   So, i randomly set:

drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  111, 3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")  # modbusR2-9 version, I randomly set 111


drvModbusAsynConfigure("RD3R",   "Koyo3R",  0xFF, 3, 0, 95, 0, 1160, "rpDevice")  # use 0xFF to disable the parameter

however, I cannot establish  the communications by using the new version of modbus and I have no idea how to do.

The error messages are as follows:

epics> 2018/01/24 15:19:26.062 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R is disconnected
2018/01/24 15:19:30.069 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R error calling writeRead, error= timeout: Resource temporarily unavailable, nwrite=6/6, nread=0
2018/01/24 15:19:31.229 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R has I/O error
2018/01/24 15:19:35.234 drvModbusAsyn::doModbusIO port RD3R error calling writeRead, error= timeout: Resource temporarily unavailable, nwrite=6/6, nread=0

Any help will be appreciated,  and thanks in advance !


回复: Re: Question about communications based on modbus tcp. lzf neu
Question about communications based on modbus tcp. lzf neu
Re: Question about communications based on modbus tcp. Mark Rivers
答复: Question about communications based on modbus tcp. lzf neu

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