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Subject: PV alias with logical names
From: Bo Jakobsen <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 11:11:35 +0200


I am setting up a new EPICS system for monitoring process values in our labs.

I will for now be using a temperature monitoring box which has a number of channels, so PV will be e.g.



However, I would like to have PV names for the users of the system which directly reflects what is measured, e.g.


I was considering to set up an extra soft IOC with records like:

record(ai, "lab1:T:CoolWater") {
  field(DESC, "Lab 1 Cooling water temperature")
  field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
  field(INP, "lab1:Tbox1:T1 CP")
  field(PREC, "3")
  field(EGU, "K")

and then define alarm limits and PV archiving based on this.

Is this the right way to obtain logical names, and is there any downsides of having monitor PV's.



RE: PV alias with logical names Freddie Akeroyd - UKRI STFC

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