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Subject: Running EPICS R3.14.12.7 in RTEMS 4.11
From: "emilio.perez-juarez--- via Tech-talk" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 18:13:41 +0000
Hi all, I hope you are well,

I would like to share some progress in updating EPICS R3.14.12.7 to support RTEMS 4.11, in this case running on a MVME5500.

It's a work in progress but we managed to run rtemsTestsHarness, getting the following message:

    EPICS Test Harness Results


All tests successful.
Programs=27, Tests=2297, 343 wallclock secs

You can find the changes in the last commits of my local fork: https://github.com/hir12111/epics-base


A couple of changes in non-epics repos are also required:

 - In RTEMS file 'src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/mvme5500/network/if_100MHz/GT64260eth.c':  you need to define the macro MAX (this may not be an issue for you if you are not using MVME5500),

 - In libbspExt file 'libbspExt/dabrBpnt.c': you need to avoid the use of fp->EXC_DAR, as that field was deleted from the exception frame some time ago, and it wasn't used anyways.

I wonder why that repo is not included in epics-base.

Please let me know if you have any comments.

Best regards and thank you,


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Re: Running EPICS R3.14.12.7 in RTEMS 4.11 Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk

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