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Subject: Timestamp reset event in EVR
From: Di Wang via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Michael Davidsaver <mdavidsaver at gmail.com>
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 01:13:07 +0900
Hi Michael,

  I found an event lost situation in my MRF VME-EVR-230RF, so I am wondering how will mrfioc2 handle the event received right after the timestamp reset event (i.e. 125) ?

We might send event code only 1 tick (i.e. 9 nanosecond) later than before one, so the 'right after' could be very fast. Here is a brief example.

Event       Timestamp
1           953053925.999,917,620
125       953053925.999,977,626  <-----TS reset event
2 <-----lost, and the timestamp should be 953053926.999,977,650
3            953053926.000,100,043
4            953053926.000,450,210

  I understand that when TS reset event is received the 32-bit seconds register will be reset, and below callback function would be called, but I still do not understand the process logic and the reason of event lost.


  For you convenience, some information might help:
epics 3.15.5, devlib 2-2.10, mrfioc 2-2.2.0 (I added several functions to buffer the events in drvem.cpp) event clock: 114 MHz, repetition rate: 50 Hz, more than 120 events are monitored

Linac Control Group, KEK

Re: Timestamp reset event in EVR Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk

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