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Subject: RE: caproto-monitor exits when IOC exits too
From: "Allan, Daniel via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:49:46 +0000
Hi Ruth,

No, you aren't doing anything wrong. You have hit a shortcoming in caproto. Caproto implements several different clients on a shared core implementation of the CA protocol. The synchronous client (and the command-line client, which uses it) do not yet support automatic re-connection. This to-do item is tracked in the documentation at https://caproto.github.io/caproto/protocol-compliance.html#synchronous-client-and-command-line-client. Caproto's threading client is our most robust and feature-complete one, and it does handle automatic re-connection correctly. Thus, your options are:

1. Write a small program to your purpose that uses caproto's threading client. (Relevant section of docs is https://caproto.github.io/caproto/threading-client.html#subscribe-monitor.)

2. Retreat to EPICS base camonitor.

3. Fix caproto-monitor to automatically reconnect.

If you feel inspired to tackle (3) you would have our support. If not, I expect one of the core contributors will get to this soon. Thanks for the post.


Daniel B. Allan, Ph.D
Associate Computational Scientist, Brookhaven National Lab



When I exit from IOC while camonitor is monitoring a PV, camonitor is able of reconnecting with IOC after it restarts. 

With caproto-monitor that not happens, it returns the cmd prompt. I've to launch caproto-monitor again.

Am I doing something wrong?

EPICS base (windows-x64).

Caproto version 0.4.3. (windows-x64)


Thank you for your attention,


Kind regards,


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