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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: New versions of areaDetector modules ADGenICam, ADSpinnaker, ADVimba released
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: EPICS tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 00:11:01 +0000



New releases of the following areaDetector modules are now available.


ADGenICam R1-4

ADSpinnaker R2-2

ADVimba R1-2


This is from the release notes for ADGenICam:


R1-4 (9-April-2020)


* Added logic to pause and resume acquisition when any of the following parameters are changed:

  - ADMinX, ADMinY

  - ADSizeX, ADSizeY

  - ADBinX, ADBinY

  - ADNumImages

  - GCPixelFormat


  Previously changing these parameters while acquiring had no effect.


* Don't call setImageParams when ADImageMode, ADNumImages, or NDDataType change.

  This is not necessary and writes to the binning features which can have undesired side effects.


* Added xml, template, and OPI files for a number of additional Allied Vision Technologies/Prosilica

  and Basler cameras.



This is from the release notes for ADSpinnaker:


R2-2 (April 9, 2020)


* Worked around a bug that is present in all versions of EPICS base.

  If a wait time is specified in the call to epicsMessageQueue::receive() it can fail to receive a message

  correctly if the wait time is almost exactly the same as the time between messages.

  This was causing ADSpinnaker to miss frames when the frame rate was close to 8.7 frames/s.

  Changed the logic to avoid specifying a timeout in epicsMessageQueue::receive(), sending a NULL message instead.


* Removed the memoryChannel argument to the constructor, it was not used.


* Change the order of calling Spinnaker's EndAcquisition() relative to stopping imageGrabTask.

  With the new logic described above EndAcquisition() was never returning when trying to stop acquisition at > 100 frames/s.


* Added .bob files for Phoebus Display Manager


* Removed ADSpinnakerMore OPI files, these were not used.



This is from the release notes for ADVimba:


R1-2 (April 9, 2020)


* Fix problem with the packet and frame statistics records.

  They were not updating because the DTYP needed to be changed from asynInt32 to asynInt64.


* Add .bob files for Phoebus Display Manager








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