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Subject: Home motorSim Device
From: William Cork via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 08:25:02 -0700
Playing around with the motor and asyn modules to get more familiar with EPICS motion control.

I'm using an example motorSim found here: https://github.com/shroffk/motorsim.git

Having an issue where I tell an sioc using motorSim to home but, the MSTA record never updates the HOMED bit.

Startup deck has these lines to configure motorSim device:
motorSimCreate( 0, 0, -32000, 32000, 0, 1, 6 )
drvAsynMotorConfigure("motorSim1", "motorSim", 0, 6)

record(ao, "$(Sys)$(Dev)-SP") {
    field(FLNK, "$(Sys)$(Dev)-SP_")

record(seq, "$(Sys)$(Dev)-SP_") {
    #disable mtr rec processing
    field(DOL1, "1")
    field(LNK1, "$(Mtr).DISA")

    # write setpoint to mtr rec
    field(DLY2, "0.1")
    field(DOL2, "$(Sys)$(Dev)-SP")
    field(LNK2, "$(Mtr).VAL CP")

    # to re-enable mtr rec processing, write or process "$(Sys)$(Dev)Cmd:Go-Cmd"

record(ai, "$(Sys)$(Dev)-I") {
    field(INP, "$(Mtr).RBV CPP")

record(bo, "$(Sys)$(Dev)Cmd:Go-Cmd") {
    field(DOL, "0")
    field(OUT, "$(Mtr).DISA CPP")

record(bo, "$(Sys)$(Dev)Cmd:Stop-Cmd") {
    field(VAL, "1")
    field(OUT, "$(Mtr).STOP CPP")

record(bi, "$(Sys)$(Dev)Sts:Moving-Sts") {
    field(INP, "$(Mtr).DMOV CPP")
    field(ZNAM, "Moving")
    field(ONAM, "Done")

Does motorSim have support for homing?
Is it broken from the seq record in fakemotor.db?

Your help is appreciated,

Re: Home motorSim Device Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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