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Subject: edm logging
From: Silver via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2020 11:22:16 +0800

In the edm help document, it says specified PVs operations can be logged. For example, if I want to log PV1 named as "test:ai1", not log PV2 named as "test:ai2", how to edit edmPvObjects file?
ps, if I set EDMpUTLOGGER=cat, the tty out put messages as follows :
user="sinclair" host="edmhost" dsp=":0.0" name="sinclairHost:ao0"...... old="0.000000" new="1.000000"
can I add the time information in a simple way?
thanks a lot for your help.

Best wishes
Geyang 2020-08-02

Re: edm logging Ralph Lange via Tech-talk

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