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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Sintschuk, Michael" <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Cc: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:16:22 +0000
Hi Michael,

I don't use RTEMS, so I don't know the answer to that.

On vxWorks I use these commands to set the account being used and to mount:

nfsAuthUnixSet("corvette", 849601092, 849600513, 0, 0)

I suspect there must be similar commands for RTEMS.


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 7:12 AM
To: Mark Rivers
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Subject: AW: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed

Hi Mark,

I would try this, but I don't know how... Is this a setting in the MVME2100-settings or in the dhcpd.conf of my TFTP/DHCP/NFS-Server?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Gesendet: Montag, 21. September 2020 14:05
An: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Betreff: Re: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed

Hi Michael,

Earlier in your startup I see this:

***** Initializing NFS *****

Mount on /soft

Can you try manually mounting /autosave at that point, and not rely on the autosave module to handle the mount for you?


From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 4:31 AM
To: EPICS tech-talk
Subject: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed

Hi all,

I'm setting up an IOC, BASE-3.15.7 and autosave 5-10-1, on an Motorola board MVME-2100 using RTEMS-4.10.2.

The comand save_restoreSet_NFSHost fails on it with mount failed: Invalid argument . But my IOC is using nfs to mount it's "st.cmd" file, so I don't know why it is not seeing the autosave folder, that is also exported via NFS.

Here is my IOC Start-up:

Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 2004, All Rights Reserved

PPC5 Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 1.1 - 08/20/2004 RM04

COLD Start

Local Memory Found =02000000 (&33554432)

MPU Clock Speed =200Mhz

BUS Clock Speed =67Mhz

Reset Vector Location  : ROM Bank B

Mezzanine Configuration: Single-MPU

Current 60X-Bus Master : MPU0

Idle MPU(s)            : NONE

L2Cache:       NONE

System Memory: 32MB, Parity NOT Enabled (Non-Parity-Memory Detected)

SelfTest/Boots about to Begin... Press <BREAK> at anytime to Abort ALL

NetBoot about to Begin... Press <ESC> to Bypass, <SPC> to Continue

Network Booting from: DEC21143, Controller 0, Device 0

Device Name: /pci@fec00000/pci1011,19@e,0:0,0

Loading: epics/iocRtems/iocRtems.boot

Client IP Address      =

Server IP Address      =

Gateway IP Address     =

Subnet IP Address Mask =

Boot File Name         = epics/iocRtems/iocRtems.boot

Argument File Name     = /soft/epics/IOC/iocRtems/iocBoot/iocRtems/st.cmd

Network Boot File load in progress... To abort hit <BREAK>

Bytes Received =&1183560, Bytes Loaded =&1183560

Bytes/Second   =&591780, Elapsed Time =2 Second(s)

Residual-Data Located at: $01F5511C

Model: Motorola MVME2101          (e2)

Serial: MOT0BC614E

Processor/Bus frequencies (Hz): 200003328/66667776

Time Base Divisor: 4000

Memory Size: 2000000

PCI: Probing PCI hardware

RTEMS 4.x/PPC load:

Uncompressing the kernel...


Now booting...


Welcome to rtems-4.10.2(PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/mvme2100) on MVME 2100


pci : Configuring interrupt routing for 'MVME 2100'

pci : Device 0:0x00:0 routed to interrupt_line 16

pci : Device 0:0x0D:0 routed to interrupt_line 23

pci : Device 0:0x0E:0 routed to interrupt_line 17

WARNING: unable to allocate page table, keeping DBAT0

WARNING: unable to setup page tables VME bridge must share PCI space

OpenPIC Version 1.2 (1 CPUs and 24 IRQ sources) at 0xFCE40000

OpenPIC Vendor 0 (Unknown), Device 0 (Unknown), Stepping 1

Overriding NumSources (24) from configuration with 16

OpenPIC timer frequency is 8333472 Hz

Universe II PCI-VME bridge detected at 0xFCDFF000, IRQ 23

Universe Master Ports:

Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:

0:    0x20000000 0x0E000000 0x90000000 A32, D64 [MBLT], Dat, Sup

1:    0x00000000 0x00FF0000 0x9F000000 A24, D64 [MBLT], Dat, Sup

2:    0x00000000 0x00010000 0x9FFF0000 A16, D64, Dat, Sup

Universe Slave Ports:

Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:

0:    0xC0000000 0x02000000 0x00000000 A32, Pgm, Dat, Sup, Usr, PWEN, PREN

Registering /dev/console as minor 0 (==/dev/ttyS0)

***** RTEMS Version: rtems-4.10.2(PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/mvme2100) *****


***** Initializing network *****

dec2114x : unit 1 base address FCDFEC00.

dec2114x : driver attached

dec2114x : driver tasks created

dec2114x : 00:01:AF:15:AD:97   name 'dc1', io BFDF80, mem FCDFEC00, int 17

dec2114x: Installing IRQ 17

***** Initializing NFS *****

Mount on /soft

RTEMS-RPCIOD $Release$, Till Straumann, Stanford/SLAC/SSRL 2002, See LICENSE file for licensing info.

RTEMS-NFS $Release$, Till Straumann, Stanford/SLAC/SSRL 2002, See LICENSE file for licensing info.

Warning: No timezone information, times will be displayed in UTC.

***** Starting EPICS application *****

## Example RTEMS startup script

## You may have to change iocRtems to something else

## everywhere it appears in this file

< envPaths













cd "/soft/epics/IOC/iocRtems"

## Register all support components



## Load record instances


dbLoadRecords("db/iocRtems.db", "user=bl")

#var drvOms58debug 10

oms58Setup(11, 0x1000,180,5,2)





Mount nfsioc:/autosave/iocRtems on /autosave/iocRtems

mount failed: Invalid argument

save_restore: Can't mount '/autosave/iocRtems'









# Time interval between sequenced backups



Starting iocInit


## EPICS R3.15.7

## EPICS Base built Sep  1 2020


*** IK342:  Running IK342 Initialization IK342_drv_init ***

 1 nIK342Cards, 0xc000. baseAddr

libbspExt - Warning: it seems that MCP support is not available on your CPU

                     or not implemented by your board. Address probing must

                     be performed in polling mode with interrupts disabled

../drvIK342.c: card 0 present at addr 9FFFC000

version  FF00

reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_positions.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_positions.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav' at initHookState 6 (before record/device init) ***

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.savB'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.savB'.

save_restore: Can't figure out which seq file is most recent,

save_restore: so I'm just going to start with '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav0'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav0'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav0'.

save_restore: Can't find a file to restore from...save_restore: ...last tried '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_positions.sav0'. I give up.

save_restore: **********************************

save_restore: Can't open save file.reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav' at initHookState 6 (before record/device init) ***

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.savB'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.savB'.

save_restore: Can't figure out which seq file is most recent,

save_restore: so I'm just going to start with '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'.

save_restore: Can't find a file to restore from...save_restore: ...last tried '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'. I give up.

save_restore: **********************************

save_restore: Can't open save file.init_record: card = 0   channel = 0

init_record: card = 0   channel = 1

init_record: card = 0   channel = 2

init_record: card = 0   channel = 3

reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav' at initHookState 7 (after record/device init) ***

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.savB'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.savB'.

save_restore: Can't figure out which seq file is most recent,

save_restore: so I'm just going to start with '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'.

save_restore: Trying backup file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'

save_restore: Can't open file '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'.

save_restore: Can't find a file to restore from...save_restore: ...last tried '/autosave/iocRtems/auto_settings.sav0'. I give up.

save_restore: **********************************

save_restore: Can't open save file.iocRun: All initialization complete


create_monitor_set("auto_positions.req", 5, "NULL")

save_restore:readReqFile: unable to open file auto_positions.req. Exiting.

Mount nfsioc:/autosave/iocRtems on /autosave/iocRtems

create_monitor_set("auto_settings.req", 5, "NULL")

mount failedsave_restore:readReqFile: unable to open file auto_settings.req. Exiting.

: #create_monitor_set("pseudoMotor.req",5, "NULL")

Invalid argument#create_monitor_set("detectors.req",5, "NULL")


save_restore: Can't mount '/autosave/iocRtems'

## Start any sequence programs

#seq(sncxxx, "user=bl")> save_restore: Can't connect to all status PV(s)

save_restore: attempting to remount filesystem

Mount nfsioc:/autosave/iocRtems on /autosave/iocRtems

mount failed: Invalid argument

save_restore: failed to remount '/autosave/iocRtems'>>

This is how my dhcpd.conf for the MVME-2100 looks like (it is OpenSuse Leap 15.1):

   group {

    use-host-decl-names on;

    always-reply-rfc1048 on;

    server-name bam01;

    host vmecpu-20 {

      option host-name iocRtems;

      option script-name "/soft/epics/IOC/iocRtems/iocBoot/iocRtems/st.cmd";

      hardware ethernet 00:01:af:15:ad:97;


      filename "epics/iocRtems/iocRtems.boot";



And this is the exports file-entry for my autosave folder:


The command save_restoreSet_NFSHost("nfsioc","") is using the CNAME-Record "nfsioc" which is just an alias for my NFS-Server.

If I set it to the real name of my NFS-Server ("bam01"), it results in the same error: mount failed: Invalid argument

So what argument am I missing? Does anyone know?



Michael Sintschuk
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
8.5 Mikro-ZfP

Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin

P: +49 30 8104-5736 (BESSY, Adlershof)

P: +49 30 8104-4065 (BAM, Steglitz)
michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>

autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
Re: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
AW: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk

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Prev: AW: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
Next: Re: autosave 5-10-1 on RTEMS-4.10.2, mount failed Heinz Junkes via Tech-talk
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