Hello everyone,
I have a problem when using a EPICS program for pmd101 controller.
I change the communication type from TCP/IP to RS232, and use only one pmd101 controller other than three controllers in the downloaded file. Which means I change the configuration in st.cmd file, and in motor.sub, as well as the paths in configure/RELEASE.
The st.cmd file is also attatched and the motor.sub looks like this
you can delete the '.txt' in the attatched 'st.cmd.txt' and get the st.cmd file.
When I run the <top>/op/opi, set the macros "Sys=XF:03IDC-ES, Dev={ZpTpa-Ax:Y}, P=XF:03IDC-ES{ZpTpa-Ax:Y}, M=Mtr " The result is like this:
It shows PVs write with stream devices runs correctly. But the PV about the motor driver failed.
Has anybody used the pmd101 controller? Or do you have any advice on the program? Why the left part of the opi can't run correctly?
Looking forward to your help.
Thank you very much for any of your advice.
Best wishes.
Chunxia Yin