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Subject: ADViewer, EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer.java compilation
From: Tomasz Brys via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 14:24:38 +0000



I want to compile EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer.java from the command line. I need it for my script which will automatize all the installation process of the areaDetector.

For the EPICS_AD_Viewer.java I simply used this command:

javac -cp ~/.imagej/plugins/jca-2.4.5.jar:/usr/share/java/ij.jar  ~/.imagej/plugins/EPICS_AD_Viewer.java

and plugin appears in imageJ.


I tried to do the same with NTNDA_Viewer by:

javac -cp ~/.imagej/plugins/jca-2.4.5.jar:/usr/share/java/ij.jar  ~/.imagej/plugins/EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer.java

but this doesn’t work. It complains for missing packages: pvaClient, pvdata etc.

I tried to put all of them in the command line but I did not succeed.

Can somebody help me with compilation of it?


/Tomasz Brys

BTW it works when I compile it from imageJ GUI but I want to do it from the command line.

Re: ADViewer, EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer.java compilation Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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