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Subject: Re: Can't properly restrict IOC CA server to an interface
From: Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Jure Varlec <jure.varlec at cosylab.com>
Cc: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 08:41:13 -0700
On 4/8/22 01:11, Jure Varlec via Tech-talk wrote:
Dear all,

I'm pulling my hair out over an issue that only appears sometimes and I can't determine the reason for it.

Binding a socket to a specific interface doesn't always work so well
when that interface disappears and reappears.  You mention "wifi" and
"after a reboot or several", this makes me wonder if your network
interface(s) are being deleted and recreated.

Run "ip link"

$ ip link
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

The "1:" prefix is an interface index.  "lo" usually gets 1.

Keep an eye on the remaining indices to see if they have changed
when you see start seeing problems.

eg. I have a usb to ethernet adapter which comes back with a new
index each time I wake up my laptop.

I have a bridge interface with IP address It is NAT-ed to the outside world and is running DHCP and DNS for containers and VMs. The latter have their interfaces bridged there; in short, it's an internal network on Apart from NAT, no other iptables rules are in place.

I would like to restrict EPICS to this internal network. Nothing needs to be done for VMs and containers as they only see the internal network anyway. CA between VMs works as expected. The problem is with the IOCs on the host where I have set (this is EPICS


This appears to restrict the IOC CA server to the bridge interface, as intended:

epics> casr 5
Channel Access Server V4.13
No clients connected.
CAS-TCP server on with
    CAS-UDP unicast name server on
        Last name requested by
        User '', V4.0, Priority = 0, 0 Channels
        Task Id = 0x2245a30, Socket FD = 7
        214.35 secs since last send, 214.35 secs since last receive
        Unprocessed request bytes = 0, Undelivered response bytes = 16
        State = up
    CAS-UDP broadcast name server on
        Last name requested by
        User '', V4.0, Priority = 0, 0 Channels
        Task Id = 0x2245c80, Socket FD = 7
        214.35 secs since last send, 214.35 secs since last receive
        Unprocessed request bytes = 0, Undelivered response bytes = 16
        State = up
Sending CAS-beacons to 1 address:

However, it only works /sometimes/; other times (i.e. after a reboot or several, and more often than not), this happens:

$ caget test:arg_echo
CAC: Unable to connect because "Connection refused"
    Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect"
    Context: ""
    Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1237
    Current Time: Thu Apr 07 2022 20:19:45.727753820
Channel connect timed out: 'test:arg_echo' not found.

The IP address shown here is the IP of the WiFi interface, which should not have been involved at all. The problem does not originate from the client. Here is the packet dissection of the CA search and response, relevant fields of IP and CA frames only:

  "ip.src": "",
  "ip.dst": ""
  "ca.command": "0x00000006",
  "ca.size": "16",
  "ca.doreply": "0x00000005",
  "ca.version": "13",
  "ca.cid": "1",
  "ca.p2": "0x00000001",
  "ca.pv": "test:arg_echo"

  "ip.src": "",
  "ip.dst": ""
  "ca.command": "0x00000006",
  "ca.size": "8",
  "ca.serv.port": "5064",
  "ca.serv.ip": "",
  "ca.cid": "1",
  "ca.version": "0"

And so, the client tries to connect to the WiFi interface, while the IOC is only listening on the bridge. I don't understand why the IOC would respond from an address it is not listening on, and why this behavior is not consistent. Things start to work if I turn WiFi off. I tried keeping it on and just deleting the default route to see what happens, no change. Likewise, and as I'd expect, adding the WiFi address to EPICS_CAS_IGNORE_ADDR_LIST makes no difference. I hope someone here has an idea before I go dig into the code.


Jure Varlec
Senior Software Developer
Cosylab d.d.

Re: Can't properly restrict IOC CA server to an interface Jure Varlec via Tech-talk
Can't properly restrict IOC CA server to an interface Jure Varlec via Tech-talk

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